Mikaels interview kind of inspiret me to ask. Who's christian?


Gamer of life
Nov 30, 2007
Oslo, Norway
First of all, sorry for typo in the title.

Mike said something in the video interview in the topic under/over this one, about having some christian fans.

Now, I DON'T want this to be a topic where non-christian and christian people argue and shit (even though I know already that this will happen), but I'm just wondering, are there any christian Opeth-fans on the forum?

I must say right away, I am christian, so that makes me wonder even more.
I was born christian, but I left the swedish church, as christianity is rather unrealistic.

If I had to pick a religion to follow, I'd pick Bhuddism, because of the way they look at solving problems without violence and such.

Christianity has already lost it's grip in Sweden, religions are rare up here (compared to other countries).
I do not believe that any kind of "god" exists, I just like their values.
i was raised anglican (christian), but i stopped going cause i hated it....... ive been an athiest my whole life.

i must say antyman though, i was in vancouver last year and saw a buddist temple, and it was very nice, and i read about their principles, if i was going to be a religious man, buddihism (or whatever) seems to be the least political, and you would get the most spiritually from it

that's my peace
I'm Christian, (albeit with somewhat agnostic leanings) and a huge Opeth fan. Personally, I don't see any contradiction between the two...I just admire well crafted music (Be it metal, jazz, classical or whatever genre) regardless of the lyrics. Matter of fact, their most "occultish" album, Ghost Reveries, is one of my favorite Opeth albums. Go figure. :)
I'm a muslim ... no worries, not a terrorist (as some might think).. and I love Opeth and a lot of other metal bands, no matter what their lyrical themes are about, i just have to respect their ideas and I'm free to not listening to it when i feel offended. But people shouldn't look at the religion itself to know about it not by its disciples.. coz human does only misrepresent religion, like Jihad and Ben Laden, they are just a travesty of Islam and justifying their deeds in the name of this religion which it denies all kind of killing (in one and only case which is self-defense, and in war, which is supposed to be only defending yourself from those who started attacking you, not you attack them, you just have to kill soldiers NO more.). anyways, is this a religious thread or what? :p
I like to think of myself as a christian but I donot go to church and worship. However I do beleive in God. I also beleive in free will and that those who judge other religions have no right. Alot of preachers out there preach the wrong things and that annoys me. I admit I cuss, alot, but I do not say anything blasphemous towards God nor do I like to hear anything basaphemous. Back in my late teens and early twenties I was confused about religion and considered myself agnostic but now I know that there has to be a God up there. I know alot of people are non christians and thats ok because everyone goes down their own path.
I believe in Quetzalcoatl and chtulhu.

no but to be more serious, I'm into philosophy and physics more than religions. I believe in consequentalism, but not in utilitarism.
I also believe there is something not yet discovered that is in between eternity and reachable, as eternity is existing, yet it's proven to not exist. very advanced, yes! discovery chanel and years of studies ftw!

EDIT: have anyone heard "A Call To Anguish by David Wilkerson"? it's fuckin powerfull I tell you.. some swedish death metal band used parts of it in a song (can't remember which band nor which song though), but it's epic.
and I don't feel like googling :)

EDIT2: here you go: http://www.kyriou.net/filer/a_call_to_anguish_wilkerson_20021015.mp3
In Opeth I believe

but, I don't understand what's wrong in being Christian I mean, I'm not christian for many reasons but I think that if someone believes in god and jesus and the Bible or whatever and he's glad with this, that's cool
^of course, everyone should be able to believe in whatever they want to, even Tom Cruise. Forcing people to believe in something is just wrong, and so is forcing people to not perform their religions.

as long as they don't believe in Tokio Hotel..
I think Mikael is a brilliant man, father, and musician but no one can compare to my Lord Jesus Christ and I hope to one day follow closer to his word for the sake of loving my family.
I'm more of a personal christian than a very religious christian. I don't go to church that often, but I do have a relationship to God and Jesus Christ, and I pray as often as I can.

That said, I've chosen this because of many personal reasons, not because I was "raised" to believe in it and that I'm a stupid gullible idiot.
I take comfort in the bible, as I feel there's alot of phrases and paragraphs that tells me, I one way or another, what I need to hear at that time.

It really helps me, and so does Opeth, musically. Opeth is bigger than any other bands I listen to, nad all the emotions streaming through me when I listen to Opeth, is indescribable... just like how right it feels for me to say that Jesus is my personal guideline in life.