Any Christian Opeth fans????

not everyone listens to music for the lyrics
many people listen for the melody.
Simarly Christians can watch horror films etc and have fun without comprimising their beliefs.

As for some comments earlier about christianity being a weakness and its putting everything in gods hands...:

An atheist can cruise through life taking responsibility for his actions and placing faith in himself.. wow strong.

Don't you think it takes a hell of a lot more personal strength to go through life living on faith that god and heaven exists: i mean your basing all your lifes decisions on somehting you cant see or prove to exist. thats got to take some sort of strength. atheism would seem to be the easy way out.

for the record im an atheist.
rafael said:
When your beliefs are holding you back from listening to one of the greatest bands in the world you should give it up...

I think this is a fair point. However, when I disagree with a band's beliefs, I somewhat lose respect for the band members as people, and that can sometimes sub-consciously make me like the music less. Silly, I know.
boooooom. powzerz wowzerz. beakerbeaker ---edit--- ahhhhhh liars ---endedit--- nooooo you cant be lying. why? ---inseretedit--- because eeeeeeverything in mankind is a lie ---endedit--- wait, no thats not true ---nonedit--- not true. wait ---edit--- thats not true. lies, truth, coments. all the saaaaaame. ---end---. ---nonowitends---
I respect everyone's beliefs. Why would mine have more merit over their beliefs? We both have just as much right to a belief and probably enough proof to back them up. I am a Catholic. I listen to metal. If the lyrics are something i don't believe in, then fine. That's whoever wrote the lyrics's opinion. I just want to hear the music, etc. If it sounds good, i listen to it. That's why it's MUSIC. I go to church for my beliefs, not musicians...
I don't listen to bands for their lyrics but I believe in Christ and if people like to bash Christianity I wouldn't listen to them. I think spiritually it would damage my relationship with God. And by being true to myself and beliefs I couldn't allow myself to listen to that kind of music. I do think that music is sacred however. I have to respect the people that make the music and their views as well. Many people call me crazy but thats the kind of relationship I have with music. It sometimes means more to me than my soul. I do listen to some BM every now and then but am not happy with myself afterwards. I loved that reply from Malis btw. It really is that simple to understand.
Actually, from a Christian's point of view, an atheist will go to hell. Surely this means that an atheist would have to take a biggger risk - eternal torture - to not believe in god..?
As an atheist I don't believe they take the easy way out. All belief systems are a way of dealing with the world you can say. Well we should not forget that 1.5 billion chinese are regarded as atheists by fundamentalist freaks. I always wonder about how fundamentalists reconcile that. But of course they never talk about that in their church.
Chinese philosophy is one way but not the only one and it in itself is a complex array of Confucionism, Buddhist and the Tao. But the thing is they basically don't ask the same questions that the death cult of Christianity asks.
The evangelical nature of some not all American styled Christianity is regarded as a laughable and deluded vision by most but certainly not all Australians.
The bible is a flawed and a much deluded document basically. To base ones beliefs on a book and the myth of the resurection is to not face reality. But many take that path through indoctrination and because in the face of deprivation and poverty and also perversely in the american sense it can also be a road to prosperity and wealth through the exploitation of the belivers.
Then again the bible is basically a blueprint for being a nice guy/girl and not fucking over other people. Thats cool and essentially positive. But most other belief systems do this wwhen they are expressed in moderation.
Thats why I choose in the atheistic supermarket of belief systems.
Just be nice when you can, and if you fuck up well hey, we all do that.
Hmmm is it me or is there some hypocrisy here.

The person who started this posts is advocating leave religion and music as separate things (which I do agree with) but if thats really how you feel, why bring the subject up in the first place?

I try very hard to respect people's faiths, but its difficult when you have no faith whatsoever and have never had faith to not think "brainwashed fool"

There is a certain intolerance from people with faith, who get annoyed when their faith is questioned, yet they expect others to respect their beliefs when by the basic nature of their beliefs they are rubbishing other peoples beliefs.

If your faith is so strong why does it piss you off so much when people question it or even hint at questioning it? Surely an appropriate response would be more along the lines of smug laughter if you are so sure you are right?? Getting annoyed at the slightest questioning of faith just suggests insecurity with your own beliefs.
Evan go forth and multiply.

Thats such a great preaching of the Catholic church.
Fuck Catholicism it is perhaps the most perverse religion ever.
Well kill someone, take confession, fuck someone over take confession.
MMM yeah.
:tickled: :grin: this is really funny!!!

I'm Catholic, go to church all sundays, and like Black, Dark, Death, Satanic.. etc...

My Fav "Antichristian:tickled: " bands are: Emperor, Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, COF, DEICIDE !!, Mayhem, :hotjump: and the list is large!!!

I listen to teh music (all kind of Metal)!! not philosophies or thoughts,
Hey guys listen to the music that is great IMHO ,I gave a shit to the satanic lyrics!! :loco:
you silly willies dont you know that religion is full of contradictionzzz. silly silly willies. ---yes we do--- but why ---noooo its not!!!--- give me an example ---look everywhere--- ping.........pong......... so you see, dont spend time on religion because no one knowzzz life after death ---no one knows--- except me ---sleep <<< forever>>>> after you die.
Wow, I can't believe how incredibly mindless and intellectually childish some of this thread is.

I think you guys need to wake up to the reality in front of your faces instead of paying more attention to the delusions in your heads. It's what's best for you personally, and the world on the whole. In this day and age, there is no excuse for such narrow-mindedness.

Christianian thelogy is so ridiculous, and not a day goes by when it doesn't shock me that so many people are uninsightful and gullible enough to buy into that absurd and self-contradictory bullplop. I think you just need to wake up and admit, accept, and overcome that. The psychological prison of organized religion HAS a way out. It's not obvious, but it's there if you look hard enough. I'll give you a hint though: it's through the embracing of love and compassion within yourself.

However, if you are so incredibly out of your mind that you believe all that creation, fallen world, and noah's ark crap that's still circulating among the half-wits and intellectually-obligated via fear/punishment psychological mechanisms, then nevermind, just go back to the delusional reality in your head say your prays or whatever, anything that makes you feel better and more secure in your faith coercion is the best that you can hope for.

ungh, I was just reading more of this thread, and it's making me sick. I think I'm going to take my leave from this thread now. If any of you have anything to say to me, you can say it here if you like, and then PM me and tell me about it, cuz I won't know otherwise. And unless you are up for a pretty intensive and honest debate, then don't bother.

I wish you well.