Mikael's live quotes

(introducing frederick)

you all know we have a new guitarist...but you may not have known that he is from the most famous band to come from sweden....

(crowd is thinking arch enemy)

Abba. yes, he did gain some weight, and grew a cock....
"Tonight is the night for heavy metal.
(Crowd Cheers)

And a touch of Cock... Rrrrock...
(Almost silence)

Cock... Rrrrock..."
Cologne, Germany December 06

Mikael: The next song is called ..... EATEN!
*Everybody laughs ...*
I, 5 seconds later: HAHAHAHAHAAH (loud)
Mike smiles and putted his hands over his head

i felt like ... "omfg, im such an idiot"
"Hello we are Opeth, from Stockholm. And for those of your who went to school will know that is in Norway" - Birmingham, 08
in köln 2006 (i think) the guitar technician brings mike the wrong guitar:

mike: "you are fired!"
crowd: "lol"

like 20 minutes later

mike cracks a very random joke
somebody from the crowd: "Opeth you are fired!"

a few days later in stuttgart (i think)

me: "Opeth! You are fired!"
Mike: " :erk: Oh no! not again!"
Mike: "Time for..... Porrrn music....What do you reckon this is, the blowjob scene or the anal scene?"

During their little jam after Blackwater Park on the Roundhouse Tapes
Orlando, Fl Oct 08

After playing a song
Mike: *tuning his guitar*
Random screams for songs
Screams continue
Mike yells: "Shut up i'm tuning!!"

Later than night
Random guy is yelling for a certain song
Random guy: "Come on Mike, I let my sick kid at home to see ya'll"
Mike: "Your serious?!"
Random guy: "Ya!"
"I have a bit of a cold" -some stuff I forget- "so if you see anything running down my face tonight... don't worry, it's just snot."

May 3, 2008 in Oakland.
Stockholm a few years ago.

Mike: "Håll käften" ("Shut up") imitating this guy from the movie "Strul"

Mike talks about the movie "Strul"

Band plays a song

Mike talks between songs

Someone in the audience: "Blire nån andra vers eller?" ("Is there gonna be second verse or not?") imitating another guy from the movie "Strul"

Mike cracks up laughing
Not something that Mike said, but something that stuck with me and I wish Mike would have commented on.

Mike says some random stuff and the crowd turns silent

Some guy in the crown yells "MIKE, I WANT YOUR BALLS IN MY MOUTH!"

the crowd chuckles nervously and stares at him, then awaits for a reaction that never comes.

At Prog Nation in Oakland
Stockholm a few years ago.

Mike: "Håll käften" ("Shut up") imitating this guy from the movie "Strul"

Mike talks about the movie "Strul"

Band plays a song

Mike talks between songs

Someone in the audience: "Blire nån andra vers eller?" ("Is there gonna be second verse or not?") imitating another guy from the movie "Strul"

Mike cracks up laughing

I remember this one :lol: it was @ fryshuset '05 right?

Thinking of shouting this in december actually ^^