What is your purpose for using the avatar, title and signature?

well I didn't get real personal with my avitar because it only gave me a few selections and I don't have any pics that are small enough to fit and I always liked the smiling face with sun glasses 8-) so I just had to use this. As for my signature, I guess it was just to be comical. Just a little humor and when I found the smauri chopping the smiling face I was like yeah that has to go in my signature :) . Well that's my 2 cents hope you enjoyed it if not who cares :) :rock: :cool: :spin:
My avatar is going pretty soon. Or until I find one that is to my liking. I'm trying to get the whole eerie night feel to it.

I don't have a title name figured out yet. Just Member for now.

My signature is from Ajax (one of the characters from my favorite cartoon series Duckman). And I plan to use more quotes from that show soon.
i just thought id be one of the few people to have an avatar that didnt look like a great piece of art and didnt look depressing and dark and evil...
so i went for calvin, with a big smile on his face! :)

im one of very few people to have a white avatar, makes it very easy to locate my posts when im looking for them....
Originally posted by Lina
i like your avatar, nightflier. very serene.

Thanks, I kind of like it myself. I guess it's pretty nice. Only if I could find a way to enhance it so it's not so crackly.:)
avatar: a image from The Omen I found on an Iced Earth BB, Damien is my favorite song from them, and the portrait is evil personified, don't you think?
title: during a computer class, every machine I tried to work on one day promptly locked up or displayed a blue screen of death, vented my frustration by saying "I'm a human computer virus."
signature: obligatory Opethian lyric and a plug for a column that documents my musical exploration and needs more readership.
Ah, yes, I see.

"Facetiously Sardonic" is my member title at the moment - I put these two words together in the middle of some post and liked how they sounded, and thought it was a good description of the attitude I like to project from time to time.

"Thus Spake Hoser" is a duel referece to Neitchze's "Thus Spake Zarathustra" (was all of that spelling correct?) and Emperor's "Thus Spake the Night Spirit", which I both enjoy, and thought it made a simple non-commital signoff.

The avatar is a picture of me, and representative of my love of, well, the style embodied by the photo, and moreover my photographic style. It also kinda looks like the cover of Tonight's Decision - a subtle homage to Katatonia and Travis Smith. And hey - my fedora is clearly visible. The "HH" logo shouldn't be too hard to discern - no, it's NOT "Hail Hitler" (as someone once said it always made them think), and a pseudo-opethy scripty font.

I've had several of each of the above over the months... I can't remember all of them. What were all the titles I've had? "Immemorial Fire", "Beating Member", "Rambling Personified", "Pixel Manipulator", "Hoopy Frood" ...there's more...
1. picture
...well, to give people an idea what i look like, but it's also distorted so one can only guess (well, that's over since the picture thread)

2. title
sadly, i dunno. i will change

3. signature
this is actually to impress others´(boy i AM such a good lyricist :D )
it's taken from a song called "Vicious Circle" (yes, the title) of my band "Mad Clown" where i was in charge of the lyrics. i like it. i have to admit it's a bit adapted from one of the books this creepy voice in diablo I would read aloud (you know, the one quest with the first invisible creatures)
The avatar - it's taken from a rather unexpected source, but I won't reveal it !
The self-description - well, all of my self-descriptions somehow relate to an aspect of me... this one is related to Frank Zappa, in addition.
The signature - a temporary impulse, but hey, it's cool !

D Mullholand
title - it just seemed fitting.
avatar - it's an image of a road that stretches into the horizon of a desolate landscape... i like that desolate feel so i used it as my avatar. i have no clue where it is from though...
sig - i dont have one :cry: ... maybe i'll put one up.