What is your reason for long hair?

I don't get 2 votes? *cries*

I shall allot you one vote.

Now, check THIS out (it's an ancient form of wizadry that was bestowed upon me as a young boy)....

I'll take my "+1" and your "+1" and do the following:

1 (mine)
+1 (yours)
56 (total)

In effect, each of our single votes comine to make a whopping 56 votes in agreement with Ptah's original point. Win.
KR wrote
so i should bend for the mainstream image?

No...just your post made growing your hair sound like a strong act of defiance...hence the "enemy/weakness" statement/joke....and i wager the growing of your hair has as much to do with vanity as it does with non conformity ;)
I shall allot you one vote.

Now, check THIS out (it's an ancient form of wizadry that was bestowed upon me as a young boy)....

I'll take my "+1" and your "+1" and do the following:

1 (mine)
+1 (yours)
56 (total)

In effect, each of our single votes comine to make a whopping 56 votes in agreement with Ptah's original point. Win.

Holy shit dude, with our powers combined... that's like motherfucken captain planet or something! :kickass:
Or Captain Win.

You think Captain Win has long hair? (What the fuck am I saying? Of course he does. He's Captain Win.)
now that ive mastered the fine art of circular headbanging, i think it looks far better with long hair.. as for forward headbanging.. that's for simpletons so who cares..

*wonders who is going to go off at me not realising im kidding... not really kidding..sshh*
i want to try long hair... the problem is that my hair is very thick (as in abundant) and the mass results in a big poofy loaf of hair once i get up to like only even 1 inch long. i have had the top at like 5 inches and it still would stick up near the base so it would be like a big wave. In order to control it i have to glop like a half bottle of gel in there each day. it looks cool enough when i do that with like 2 or 3 inches of hair, but getting longer than that, all I can do is slick it back, or just wear a hat. and slicking it back looks rather rediculous on me, and the hat is not an option where I work/study.
I imagine that I would look good if i ever did grow it out to my shoulders or further, cuz then there would be enough weight to pull it down, but getting there would just be annoying as fuck. plus i think i would have to grow a full mustache/goatee combo to make it look good and I don't want the mustache.

I like my little tuft of chin hair the way it is, and it can stand alone.