Is it important to have long hair??????

I hadn't hitherto correlated master guitarists against hair but I generally listen to my music rather than watch bands live or browse through photo galleries of guitarists. I find anything to do with conformity of an image due to peer pressure, embarrasement, or any other 'obligations' a sobering thought. To become a guitar master you must be committed, have focussed targets over short time scales aswell as the long term, and you have to assess your priorities. These may be as fundamental as whether you are happy with your string gauge, if you feel your guitar is sufficient, whether your amp is giving a good enough tone to allow your technical abilities to grow with high accuracy, whether you may need higher output pickups or to adjust the action, or ever whether you need a preamp or effects pedal. There are many hurdles to overcome, such as limitation of theoretical knowledge of music, or the cost of new pickups, guitars, amps, and strings; and probably the greatest hurdle of all: knowing whether your knowledge of the technical side of guitar playing, (ie, guitar action and tone etc), is allowing you to progress to the level that you want to get to, or convincing yourself that you can get as good as the wizards. With these great difficulties in an aspiring technical guitar player's life, a factor such as hair style is truly trivial. There will never be a new revolution in technical mastery in the musical world unless aspiring or near virtuosos forget all the cliches and traditions of the past, (and recent past), and use their imaginations rather than their insecurity. I believe that in a few years, guitar masters, (and maybe just as well keyboard/bass/percussion etc masters), will make as great an impact as they did in the late 80s, and although images will undoubtedly be copied before long, everyone should expect the unexpected. I used to question why I enjoyed games on the NES when I was younger; afterall, it had such bad graphics in comparison to the ps2 and other consoles. I realised that it was due to the tremendously complex songs on many of the games. There has been a poor era for computer game music, but more importantly for the entire world of music, (bar a few outposts such as Symphony X). Although the most mainstream music has always been extrememly simple and abysmal, there have been up and downs in the supposedly self respecting parts of the music industry. From 1989 onwards, most repectable musicians turned to simple saleable music, and ever since, the devoted technical music appreciators have clinged on to the few outposts of respectability such as Vinnie Moore and Symphony X. These outposts will not suffice for much longer though, as people seem to be losing patience with sell-out moves ten times as quickly as the mid 90s, (such as Marty Friedman's recent shame). It's inevitable that all conventions will be dropped after the last 13 years of deteriorating, but recently slowly recouperating music on a large scale, and shredders will once more be overshadowing the guitar spastics currently offending readers, (make that ex-readers), of guitar magazines. The shredders will start to emerge in their numbers, but possibly in a different guise?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Fibbonacci
(such as Marty Friedman's recent shame)


Originally posted by Fibbonacci
It's inevitable that all conventions will be dropped after the last 13 years of deteriorating, but recently slowly recouperating music on a large scale, and shredders will once more be overshadowing the guitar spastics currently offending readers, (make that ex-readers), of guitar magazines. The shredders will start to emerge in their numbers, but possibly in a different guise?:rolleyes:


Wow, what a serious rant!!

There's an original SRV strat sitting on the floor, which one of these two gets to it first:

A Shredder with short hair
A Shredder with long hair


The shredder with long hair, because there's no such thing as a shredder with short hair. You NEED long hair to be a shredder!!


That's exactly my point... wouldn't it be great if image didn't matter? But wake up to the real world.. image DOES matter.. in all parts of our lives.. whether that be with our partners, in our jobs or in our daily assessment of people...

Of course music should be judged on its quality and quality alone but how many of us remember the first rock/metal band we saw and thought how cool the guitarist/drummer/bassist etc looked? How much of that excitement was due to the music being played?? NONE!!!

We try and convince ourselves that we will be judged on our music alone... but hey.. that's NEVER gonna happen if you intend to play to a live audience...they're a fickle bunch and if you look like Mother Teresa and start playing your fav death chords - it aint gonna work!!!!
Originally posted by shredguitarman
...and if you look like Mother Teresa and start playing your fav death chords - it aint gonna work!!!!


I sure would like to see someone give it a try!!
Jesus, this thread is STILL going :lol:

Lets just look at the evidence... The shorter megadeth's hair got, the more shameful they became, it was all downhill from Rust in Peace. Metallica were at their best on ...And Justice for All, when they all had the most hair, long long cool hair, and it all went downhill from there.

I was about to mention anthrax too, but i've never liked the band, so... meh. They only got even worse. Going from bad to worse when they lost the 'locks.

I think satch needs a mention too... Somewhere... his latest releases have been all bad.

Dream theater have ALWAYS sucked ass, so... no comment needed there. I've always respected petrucci for his technique, but man do they suck when it comes to writing... and it only got worse with the new one, with only one exception, the test that stumped them all...

Long hair is the win!!
You make some very good points there Trapped. Let's face it, metal doesn't need people with short hair.

Btw, you missed out Queensryche. When Geoff Tate had his hair cut off they all started recording in log cabins and using big Oasis style guitars rather than their kick ass ESP gear.
I used to have my hair halfway down my back. But now I am bald .

Yea it is bad I can tell you. But I do have quite long pubic hair, does that count :D
Originally posted by Trapped

Dream theater have ALWAYS sucked ass, so... no comment needed there. I've always respected petrucci for his technique, but man do they suck when it comes to writing... and it only got worse with the new one, with only one exception, the test that stumped them all...

Long hair is the win!!

Your thread sounded ridiculous to begin with, but this statement finally confirmed to be that you have no idea what your talking about.

Gee did it ever occur that Megadeth lossed the fan base because there music started diminish?

If you think hair makes a diff in what makes a band, you need to grow the fuck up.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord

There's an original SRV strat sitting on the floor, which one of these two gets to it first:

A Shredder with short hair
A Shredder with long hair


The shredder with long hair, because there's no such thing as a shredder with short hair. You NEED long hair to be a shredder!!


How about this for an answer:

Neither, cause what shredder would be interested in a blues guitarists guitar? ;)

Now, if it were an original Yngwie strat on the other hand...:D
I went to see a guitarist friend's band last Friday night and the other guitarist had short hair. Now as much as I thought this thread was a joke it's really started me thinking. Pretty much every guitarist I like has long hair or did when I got into them (although that might have been the 80's/early90's thing).

Back to my friend's band:
The errant thought did pass through my mind that, "Gee that guitarist needs long hair if he wants to nod and/or bang his head." I can't deny it. Head-banging just looks stupid if you have short hair. A good show is important to a band, and I actually thought I would like the band more if that other guitarist had longer hair (my friend has no hair which is okay for reasons I can't fathom at this very moment, but I'm sure you'll agree). The horrible truth is, I found myself giving more credit to guitarist with long or no hair pretty much as an involuntary thing. I didn't even think about it much until I saw this thread.

Oh, BTW long hair needs to be clean - important musical tip from Nigel Tufnel (I also have Satch's video).

Thanks for listening :s
