Mikael's live quotes

I remember this one :lol: it was @ fryshuset '05 right?

Correct. :)

Another one from the same gig (loosely translated from swedish):

Mike (before playing "The Grand Conjuration"): Now we're gonna play a song from the new album. The first single in fact. Yeah, I know. We sold out. We shortened the song. But now we're gonna play the original th...irt...y...five... hour... version.
Im sure he said this in tons of gigs, about half way through the show

"I have a very special announcement to make."

*crowd goes silent*

"Martin Mendez is here!"
Baltimore, MD last Sunday..

"I'm going to let you guys touch my private parts!" *runs his guitar along the crowd*

"This next song is a ballad, so if you have your girlfriend with you this would be a good time to make out.....or fuck secretly."

"I'm going to read off names, and after each one I want you to say 'fuck off you fucking fuck'" and he proceeds to read out band member's names and his tech crew's names.

And hi guys, I'm new :).
Shit, lemme think here.....................
"I wish I could grow the Cliff Burton sideburns"
(guy in crowd) "Grow some pubes!"
"Oh, I have pubes..." *shows pubes*
"I don't shave, cause I'm a real man"

*finishes Master's Apprentices*
*makes tiny metal horns* "Just a little bit metal"

(guy in crowd) "I'm your heckler tonight!"
"That's okay, we have snipers"

"We recorded this next song in a terrible studio. It was insanely hot and unpleasant. And in the entire place there was just one little window."
(someone in crowd) "Windowpane!"
"This next song is called Deliverance"

"I hate this guitar, it's kind of a shit brown color"
(guy in audience) "I'll take it!"

*Fredrik is switching guitars*
"Sorry about the wait folks, Fredrik is being slow. I think he should be punished. I think he should have to show you... his ass.... No, you don't wanna see that"
the funniest thing about all this imo is how he says dumb shit about the other bandmembers and they just stand there like bums unable to respond :lol:
In the ghost reveries Dvd:

What kind of music do you think germans like?

Heavy Metuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul!

Black Wut Inmutallllllll!!!!


Genious lol

LMAO, me and a couple of mates went to a battle of the bands a while ago.
We were pretty hammered and rowdy as fuck, soo while this shit'tit band were playing we just walked around asking random people what kind of music Germans like, and shouting EEEVVVVYY MEETTTUULLLLLL he he he.

Twas a night of shits and giggles
Not something that Mike said, but something that stuck with me and I wish Mike would have commented on.

Mike says some random stuff and the crowd turns silent

Some guy in the crown yells "MIKE, I WANT YOUR BALLS IN MY MOUTH!"

the crowd chuckles nervously and stares at him, then awaits for a reaction that never comes.

At Prog Nation in Oakland

Fucking WIN. :lol:
Shit, lemme think here.....................
"I wish I could grow the Cliff Burton sideburns"
(guy in crowd) "Grow some pubes!"
"Oh, I have pubes..." *shows pubes*
"I don't shave, cause I'm a real man"

*finishes Master's Apprentices*
*makes tiny metal horns* "Just a little bit metal"

(guy in crowd) "I'm your heckler tonight!"
"That's okay, we have snipers"

"We recorded this next song in a terrible studio. It was insanely hot and unpleasant. And in the entire place there was just one little window."
(someone in crowd) "Windowpane!"
"This next song is called Deliverance"

"I hate this guitar, it's kind of a shit brown color"
(guy in audience) "I'll take it!"

*Fredrik is switching guitars*
"Sorry about the wait folks, Fredrik is being slow. I think he should be punished. I think he should have to show you... his ass.... No, you don't wanna see that"

ok...laugh all you want, but i was there with my girlfriend, mom, and my aunt.
my mom and my aunt are in their 40s

they had never heard of opeth until i convinced them to go and hadn't even heard an opeth song till they got there.
they fucking loved the music...but what made it one of their best concerts ever to go to was mikael...and his voice...and his humor

they were laughing soo fucking hard...i was having a hard time believing it.

and btw that heckler and his girlfriend were fucking annoying
You should be proud you got all those people into Opeth, never be ashamed of that.


mike said a lot of fun stuff on the roundhouse tapes dvd that weren't on the cd version.

the fans were a mix of scary/funny ^^ someone said something like "on a scale from one to ten, how good was this show? APPLE! it doesn't even use your scale!" :lol:
the funniest thing about all this imo is how he says dumb shit about the other bandmembers and they just stand there like bums unable to respond :lol:

Nevar forget:
