Mike Portnoy Leaves Dream Theater - :(

lol yeah pretty much, if this were like 3 years ago I would have cared but they produced so much shit in the past few years that I really don't even care. they will probably try to go on the internetz and find some dude playing the parts on youtube really well and recruit him and he will try to imitate Portony blah blah
Yeah he was one of the biggest parts of that band. It's almost like as if Eric Peterson left Testament and they were to replace him. It's gonna be real interesting to see who they get next because even though on record it's not as noticable...his drum kit was one of the star attractions of seeing them live. He's gone through so many different setups and 'names' for all of his kits. The 'Siamese Monster' was the most rad one...to my 16 year old eyes that looked like he took all the drums from guitar center room and put them together.
Dream Theater were my favorite band, but I've hated their music for a long while, and Portnoy was the main reason. He was pretty much a tyrant in the band from what I saw.

Maybe the next album will actually sound like grown ass men playing prog instead of old dudes trying to appeal to Trivium fans.

It's also a great chance for a dope drummer to get some shine, maybe Bobby Jarzombek?

Probably the best thing of all this is that there will be no more Portnoy vocals on albums.
He's an incredible drummer if all you listen to is prog...what I mean by that is most people who put him on his pedestal are Dream Theater fanatics and not necessarily objective. He's great, yes, but I'll take Carter Beauford over Portnoy any day. Portnoy just seems bland.