minimalistic metal


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Hi everybody. I am looking for some metal that is very minimalistic but also very good. Some of my favorite albums are very minimalistic, e.g. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Transylvanian Hunger, and Drawing Down the Moon.

I am wondering if there are any bands in other subgenres besides black metal who make minimalistic music. I'd be very interested to know. But bm recommendations are welcome as well.

Less is more.

Although I'm guessing you've heard it, Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve is pretty minimal, but quite good. The naysayers can fuck off.

Drone is minimal, but if that's what you wanted you would have asked for it, I guess.
Hi everybody. I am looking for some metal that is very minimalistic but also very good. Some of my favorite albums are very minimalistic, e.g. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Transylvanian Hunger, and Drawing Down the Moon.

I am wondering if there are any bands in other subgenres besides black metal who make minimalistic music. I'd be very interested to know. But bm recommendations are welcome as well.

Less is more.


Other than the obvious black metal reference points (Ildjarn and Sort Vokter come immediately to mind, as does Lugubrum's Winterstones), there are quite a few bands working in doom-oriented directions that might be described as minimalistic, and even some death metal fits the bill. Based on the bands you listed though, my suspicion is that what you're really after is not 'minimalism' so much as an ambient sensibility (admittedly somewhat interchangeable, though I maintain not identical, concepts).

With that in mind, here are a few suggestions:

Autopsy Mental Funeral

Cathedral Forest of Equilibrium

Magus Ruminations of Debauchery

Skepticism Stormcrowfleet

The 3rd and the Mortal - Tears Laid in Earth

Winter Into Darkness
Thinking outside of the black metal box, try Orthrelm's OV, 45 minutes of variations on a single riff. Here's a taste:

Stuff like Havohej and Ildjarn come to mind, as does The Yoga Of National Socialism from Spear Of Longinus (very bare bones, one of the songs is an instrumental with only two notes).
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Hail - The Inheritance Of Evilness
Misantropical Painforest - Winds Saturate With Inhumane Longing (you very well may think that this is utter crap, however)
One can almost say that most doom bands are minimalistic. Even Black Sabbath are mimimalistic, with their super simple riffs and repetitive quality to their music.

well I can't really judge the easyness of riffs since I'm not a guitarist but I think that Inborn Suffering - this is who we are has a difficult riff, at least it sounds difficult to play... Try it out