Minus. Alternative to Dropbox. 10 GB

Is anyone else finding that Minus kind of sucks ass? It takes for fucking ever to finish the "finishing uploading..." stage of uploading, and then it creates like 3 duplicates on the server so I have to go in and manually delete them.
JeffTD said:
Is anyone else finding that Minus kind of sucks ass? It takes for fucking ever to finish the "finishing uploading..." stage of uploading, and then it creates like 3 duplicates on the server so I have to go in and manually delete them.

Haven't used it, I figured I could use it for big stuff like sessions and such, I have plenty of space in my dropbox for the daily stuff
Is anyone else finding that Minus kind of sucks ass? It takes for fucking ever to finish the "finishing uploading..." stage of uploading, and then it creates like 3 duplicates on the server so I have to go in and manually delete them.

Honestly this sounds like a problem that's particular to you, having used it for some uploads already I've never encountered any problem, it's pretty much blazing fast over here, nothing to be ashamed by Dropbox at all.
Is anyone else finding that Minus kind of sucks ass? It takes for fucking ever to finish the "finishing uploading..." stage of uploading, and then it creates like 3 duplicates on the server so I have to go in and manually delete them.

Nope. It kicks ass.
Nice, and used someone's referral at random, thanks. But I wouldn't call this a Dropbox alternative at all. Dropbox's biggest selling point seems to be two-way syncing of files and accessibility of the latest versions from anywhere. The Public folder for sharing is additional to this. Minus has no syncing at all. It's just online file storage and linking. Which is great, but I was hoping this would replace Dropbox.

I agree, I still use dropbox for almost everything because of this, but it is great for uploading albums and such cause of the huge amount of space and the promise that it won´t get taken down as it does happen in dropbox if too many people download your stuff
Done ---> Clicky, good to have. http://min.us/r4SaeDP
I personally use iDisk Dropbox, now Minus all in conjunction. Also going to be building my own personal file server with parts gathered over the years from PC build after PC build. Going to use Free NAS and it is going to work like a dream. All of these things are good to have in your arsenal.