
Yeah, as unfortunate as it may sound it is a necessity to avoid stuff of that nature in what are supposed to be socially relaxed settings. I am finding this out more and more as I try to maintain a decent social status throughout life.

Being stupid and non-serious, in other words, has its place for good reason.

In a social circle you have to be -cool- when socializing. Start talking about something even as deep as who they're voting for is a no-no most of the time. Simple & funny will get you the most followers.

I find that I usually don't have anything cool to say & my humor is too "left-field" to make me stand out. Therefore in larger groups I just usually am pretty relaxed & I don't talk a whole lot, but when I think about it this depends entirely on the group I am with too. It depends on how well I know everyone. If I'm out with a big group of old friends I am very familiar with I will be likely talk more than anyone else in the group.
Mathiäs;7752807 said:
Agree. I've been taken advantage for being too nice to people and have paid for it. Lately I've stopped being that guy who never says no to any favors.

I was once that guy myself. I somehow had this erroneous idea that if I never asked for favors and did all on my own, that others might well do the same for me. Sadly, not only was this not the case, but they would take and take without any respect for themselves.

Eventually you do learn to say no to everything until (if ever) you find people that really need your help and ask for that reason rather than just being lazy or even leeching. These people often would return the favor if ever you did need their assistance, as they are prideful and trustworthy, though rare as I said.
Well, I have always been critical of the masses and the way they act. Well with always being from when one started to think in more deep kind of ways in my early teens. Its been developing in different directions since then and its not like I go around and actually hate everyone around me. There are huge tendencies in humanity that I despise though. Mostly when it comes to mass movements, peer pressure and alike.

However I havent always been a pessimist. I have been happy with my life and been thinking that in the end everything will work out fine even though we know the pollution will get worse, that wars will always be fought, people will die in catastophes etc. One just has to deal with it.

However this past year has been pretty bad for me emotionally (in every other way its actually been pretty good). And let me tell you being a pessimist inside, in my mind and in my thoughts is a whole different thing than to just be it "on the outside". Its actually very hard to live when one doesnt feel one has a good enough reason to live. I have gotten so far that the only thing I see is worth anything is happiness. If I could be truly happy again that would be golden. I will probably reach that stage again but its so hard living until that happens. Its stupid really. It was a love that I lost and cant get over.

Physically I have benefitted from this. Running was the one thing that made me not to think about things so this past summer I could run every other day. I also did some strength stuff. I got my own apartment, been renovating it and I got a steady full-time job and been getting alot closer with a couple of my friends. So the outside aspect have been great really but when the mental isnt its hard to find that real optimism. But then again without the positives it may have been worse.

So I will probably always be suspicious and pessimistic towards the masses, and I think that is quite healthy. I do wish to get rid of the pessimism that permeates my current personal life though because that for sure isnt a good thing. But maybe what doesnt kill me makes me stronger once I get away from it.
metalheads talking about how they just keep their mouths shut and go with the flow 'cause either they'll get beat up or no one will get it. 15 year olds railing against materialism and bimbo girls. people with blatant social retardation making observations most of us realised when we were 8 years old. people clinging to the term misanthrope like it's some kind of beacon of their individuality within this CRAZY DRAMA we call a life. i'd be tempted to become misanthropic myself after reading this shit if it wasn't so funny.
metalheads talking about how they just keep their mouths shut and go with the flow 'cause either they'll get beat up or no one will get it. 15 year olds railing against materialism and bimbo girls. people with blatant social retardation making observations most of us realised when we were 8 years old. people clinging to the term misanthrope like it's some kind of beacon of their individuality within this CRAZY DRAMA we call a life. i'd be tempted to become misanthropic myself after reading this shit if it wasn't so funny.

This is the part where I throw you insults because you insulted me.

Also, do you think I use the word misanthrope to seem smart and/or try sound like I'm a rebel/individual?? If so, why?? Because I'm a young metalhead doesn't mean that I go to hot topic and dress in all black to be "different" as a cry for help and attention, because I don't.
metalheads talking about how they just keep their mouths shut and go with the flow 'cause either they'll get beat up or no one will get it. 15 year olds railing against materialism and bimbo girls. people with blatant social retardation making observations most of us realised when we were 8 years old. people clinging to the term misanthrope like it's some kind of beacon of their individuality within this CRAZY DRAMA we call a life. i'd be tempted to become misanthropic myself after reading this shit if it wasn't so funny.

lol, a difficulty being shallow is "social retardation" :rolleyes:
Every person that I pass that looks as if they're part of a certain "movement" just fills me with spite. It honestly just pisses me off that people try to look a certain way. It's obviously not a very rational way of looking at things but I just can't help myself sometimes.

These are examples of what I'm talking about (and yes I know I'm generalizing and yes I know these are stereotypes but, honestly, when do stereotypes NOT pertain to the general population?):

Prep: They just appear to dedicate so much time to their appearance. Expensive Hollister clothing, tanning, well-groomed hair, etc. It just seems like such a superficial lifestyle and I hate the egotistical attitude they often represent.

Jock: Often associated with prep, many are on one big ego trip. They make me angry because the only thing that seems to ever be on their mind is sports, partying, and whether or not they're going to get laid. They just seem to conform to the definition of "big stupid brute".

Goth: I'm going to go by the modern-day looking "goths" since there isn't any (and never really has been) any universal definition of "goth". I've always wondered if they are under the impression that they're "non-conforming" by wearing clothes from such a mass-marketed store such as Hot Topic. Can they honestly be that dillusional? Now I'm one to go against what's considered "social norms" (and I'm willing to bet most of you here are given your "socially-unacceptable" music tastes) but I don't see the necessity in using such a superficial factor as a means of doing this. We get it. You're trying to look different. What exactly are you achieving by spending $100+ dollars on gigantic bondage pants? Attention...what a benefit. Psssh.

Emo: See goth and prep and combine the two. That's how I feel about emos.

Nerd: They can't seem to socialize properly. It's not even that that pisses me off. They just indulge themselves in such inane subject matter and what's worse is they seem to openly display it as if someone gives a shit (someone was talking about a Star Trek book really loudly today in one of my classes and it was pissing me and everyone else off. I don't have a problem with what they're interested in but keep it to yourself for Christ's sake! I manage to keep my music taste to myself unless someone asks about it in which I'll tell them. I honestly don't like talking music with the average person, though.). What they're interested in doesn't tend to be anything of note either. It's always something typical like Star Trek, D&D, video games, etc. I mean c'mon. If you're so isolated and anti-social, at least indulge yourself in something a little more abstract or something that might make you stand out from the rest of society.

...and now for the big controversial one.

Metalheads: A lot of metalheads are up on their high horses thinking every genre of music is inferior and unwilling to branch out beyond metal. I understand how some people look at it as the only genre of music they truly connect with (Life Sucks, for example) but I get sick of the likes of, say, rap, punk, and electronic music being looked down upon due to poor representations of said genres. It's as ignorant as saying "metal is all screaming and noise". People that don't know anything about metal look at Slipknot as "what metal is". Can't the same ignorance be displayed when looking at a rapper like Lil' Wayne as a genre representative?

So, yeah, I probably managed to piss off a lot of people with that post. Once again, those relate to my experiences with the general population of each perticular label. I have met individuals from each category who had strong personalities that would outweigh any animosity I might have for the trend itself.
You quoted me in reference to wanting to punch a cougar then made some comment about people not being able to use courtesy or logic anymore.... :Smug:

Oh. I think I continued my post before yours, sorry for the confusion.
OK, np.

and Obscure's post was pretty much dead on.

Edit: Little sidenote on the metalhead/prep thing. I dress relativily prep because I like the look. Went to a Firewind/DT concert in PHX and of course almost everyone else there is dressed to the nines in hot topic/ tour apparel and awash in black and white makeup. I found it funny how much of a wide berth we got while waiting in line from the little teen hot topic-ites.
I found it funny how much of a wide berth we got while waiting in line from the little teen hot topic-ites.

I love getting that from kids in high school. Kids with their fake long black greasy hair, with an AC/DC shirt on thinking "If I wear this shirt I'm getting some girls hell yeah!!!"
Every person that I pass that looks as if they're part of a certain "movement" just fills me with spite. It honestly just pisses me off that people try to look a certain way. It's obviously not a very rational way of looking at things but I just can't help myself sometimes.

Thats kind of weird. I respect a person who wants to show where he or she stands. If its about politics, religion or as in this case fashion related to music it doesnt matter as long as its true and honest. What I dont like however is when people who obviously are following a trend and look a certain way just because everyone else looks like that or even following a small group of people but falling for peer pressure.
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. ~ Tyler Durden
Definitely a true Misanthrope. I particularly hate the entire human race, as a principle. Not on an individual basis though, that would be pointless. Although it would be nice to systematically execute every human, one by one.

My ultimate goal is to rise above the human race on all levels.

Also, I don't feel a common bond with mortal humans, I will transcend this mortal state, on my own will.

Thats kind of weird. I respect a person who wants to show where he or she stands. If its about politics, religion or as in this case fashion related to music it doesnt matter as long as its true and honest. What I dont like however is when people who obviously are following a trend and look a certain way just because everyone else looks like that or even following a small group of people but falling for peer pressure.

Well I was talking more so about the trend aspect of fashion anyway. I don't have a problem with band shirts and the like but there's such a thing as overdoing it (examples being gigantic spiked wristbands, corpsepaint, etc. as if to say "LOOK AT ME I'M M3TAL!!!").
I'm a People Person so no I really don't think I'm as pessimistic or misanthropic as the rest of you on this board. I like working with people in retail generally.