Miss California USA sparks controversy over gay marriage pageant question.

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
When asked what she thought about gay marriage, Miss California USA responded in this way:

The blogosphere is going crazy right now over this particular "incident" in the Miss USA pageant. I saw a brief story on Headline News today, and figured I'd post the original video for us to discuss.

Perez Hilton apparently has already said some nasty things about her response to the gay marriage question.

My opinions:

First, I don't think such a political question is fair to ask a pageant contestant. She should be applauded for not going after what she thought was the "correct" response, but sticking to her guns and answering the way she really felt...even if it did cost her the win.

Secondly, I can say that I disagree with her wholeheartedly, but do not lambast her for her response. She's entitled to it, even though I disagree with it. The audience is a bit divided on the issue...I might have even booed her if I was there. Overall, though, I still stand up for her right to voice her opinion on any issue.

It still pains to me to say that, because I consider myself to be a both a friend of the gay community and a total supporter of gay rights in any form, but this is the United States and freedom of speech is something I really do support above just about anything else.

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First, I don't think such a political question is fair to ask a pageant contestant. She should be applauded for not going after what she thought was the "correct" response, but sticking to her guns and answering the way she really felt...even if it did cost her the win.

Agreed. DO they usually ask "political" questions? I've no clue.

Secondly, I can say that I disagree with her wholeheartedly, but do not lambast her for her response. She's entitled to it, even though I disagree with it.

Agreed again.

It still pains to me to say that, because I consider myself to be a both a friend of the gay community and a total supporter of gay rights in any form, but this is the United States and freedom of speech is something I really do support above just about anything else.

Damn, dude, couldn't you say something I disagree with? :lol:

I used to love watching these things as a kid, but I think they're pretty stupid now. Let's face it, it IS a beauty contest, and trying to dress it up as something else is just insultng everyone's intelligence.
I agree with what Palabra said, and I agree with the fact that she stood by her beliefs. Good job. I applaud her and I give her respect for at least having common sense in her answer.

Taken from another Miss USA Pageant from a few years ago.

- "So, Miss (State), I hear you're a vegetarian. Why is that?"
- "Well, I get upset knowing people eat all these little animals."
- "Ok, so what do you eat now?"
- "You know, salads, fruits, chicken..."
- "Hmm.. What's the difference between chicken and say, a steak then?"
- "Well, chicken is a bird. Cow is an animal."
- "Thank you, Miss (State)."

I really hope she gets hit by a garbage truck just because of her stupidity.
"Opposite Marriage?" ... Does she mean "Divorce"? Hey, you know, she's an idiot. Good for her. Lets all praise her for being ignorant. "Like, Oh my god, like, people should only have opposite marriage cause that's how little old sheltered me ever grew up and nothing else should ever be considered. I dont think, my job is to look pretty!"

Reminds me of this fool:

Anyway, speaking of gay marriage, have any of you seen this?

Of course, the absolute absurdity of it spawned several parodies by several groups, the best so far coming from funny or die.

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Hey, you know, she's an idiot. Good for her. Lets all praise her for being ignorant. "Like, Oh my god, like, people should only have opposite marriage cause that's how little old sheltered me ever grew up and nothing else should ever be considered. I dont think, my job is to look pretty!"

I don't know man, I wouldn't consider her an idiot just because she's against gay marriage. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no?
Apparently not, if it goes against the norm.

I certianly do not agree with Miss California by any means, but she is entitled to her own opinions, and her own beliefs. I thought her preface to her answer was very diplomatic - she appreciates the freedom that the USA offers, but does not necessarily agree that gay marriage is "right." In fact, she didn't outright say "No, other states should not follow suit." She avoided answering the question by stating that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman, and that's it. She avoided outright saying "yes" or "no" which is the best possible answer one can give when making an unpopular statement.
I don't know man, I wouldn't consider her an idiot just because she's against gay marriage. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no?

Everyone is entitled to an educated opinion. Her opinion is a biased form of bullshit. She makes it incredibly clear that she has absolutely no intention of even considering the other side of the debate. "That's how I was raised" is the biggest cop out ever. It means you hold your values protectively like a piece of china that could break if your cat sneezed, because that's how fragile they are.

If she would've said or implied something like "I've thought about the issue and did some self-exploring, and have come to the conclusion that I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman", then yes, I would politely tell her to go fuck herself with a spiky bat and be done with it. My best friend is anti-gay marriage as well, and we've discussed why on several occasions. I respect his opinion a great deal and understand (and vehemently disagree with) his stance.

This clout is spewing tripe, and anyone who tells you differently is an appologist.
I thought her preface to her answer was very diplomatic - she appreciates the freedom that the USA offers, but does not necessarily agree that gay marriage is "right." In fact, she didn't outright say "No, other states should not follow suit." She avoided answering the question by stating that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman, and that's it. She avoided outright saying "yes" or "no" which is the best possible answer one can give when making an unpopular statement.

To my ears, she said that it was a good thing that there are some states where gay marriage is legal, and some states where it is illegal. She could have simply said, "No, gay marriage should be illegal everywhere." There were much worse responses she could have given.

Of course, my own opinion is that we should not be allowed to vote on issues involving human rights in the first place. Everyone should have the same exact rights regardless of their color, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, interests, hobbies, turn-ons, or turn-offs. Anyone who believes otherwise doesn't belong in a "free" country. But that is a whole separate debate for another thread.
To my ears, she said that it was a good thing that there are some states where gay marriage is legal, and some states where it is illegal. She could have simply said, "No, gay marriage should be illegal everywhere." There were much worse responses she could have given.

I went back to re-listen to it after you and Orb mentioned this because I thought I had missed something in my INTERNET RAGE. Here's a transcript of what I hear:

"In my country, and... in my family, I think that, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anyone out there..."

So it would seem as though she almost side-stepped the issue.
I went back to re-listen to it after you and Orb mentioned this because I thought I had missed something in my INTERNET RAGE. Here's a transcript of what I hear:

"In my country, and... in my family, I think that, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anyone out there..."

So it would seem as though she almost side-stepped the issue.

I heard: "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other..." She specifically states that it's a good thing that Americans can pick one. She's just stating that she, herself, would never take part in a gay marriage. It's no different than being pro-choice on the issue of abortion, and not wanting to have an abortion yourself.

Man, you really ARE an authoritarian, aren't you?
booB said:
It's no different than being pro-choice on the issue of abortion, and not wanting to have an abortion yourself.

This example is me. And I don't think it's the same.

Man, you really ARE an authoritarian, aren't you?

I don't understand how you come to that conclusion. I was first attacking the system her values are based on because they're about as durable as a wet kleenex, and that people are making 'excuses' for her like she arrived at her idea through a well educated decision, which she obviously didn't.

Then I went back over the video to see if you were correct in your assumption that she's OK with gay marriage being legal. I think, for the sake of being politically correct, she makes the case that democracy is wonderful, but morally, gay marriage shouldn't happen.

Not only is she educationally bankrupt on the issue (based only on this video, mind you), she has no balls to back it up. She doesn't even have a spine to stick up for her own beliefs.
Everyone is entitled to an educated opinion. Her opinion is a biased form of bullshit. She makes it incredibly clear that she has absolutely no intention of even considering the other side of the debate. "That's how I was raised" is the biggest cop out ever. It means you hold your values protectively like a piece of china that could break if your cat sneezed, because that's how fragile they are.

I think how you were raised is a valid argument. Personally, I think you're bashing her not because of how she said it, but simply because of her stance. Many people are raised in strict Christian families and the bible does clarify that marriage is between a man and a woman. Afterall, marriage is a religious institution, and the idea of gay marriage essentially changes the definition of the word. Do they really find the word "civil union" that offensive? Now I don't know if she's a Christian, but the fact that we don't know the whole story prevents your point from holding water.
I think that killing black folk is okay, because well that's how I was raised.

I guess that makes it a valid argument?

If she had said 'I am against it, because the Bible tells me so,' her argument would have had more weight, but she'd still come off as an ignorant bimbo.

p.s. I really don't give a shit about this dieing pagent. What a waste of time, and lives.
Afterall, marriage is a religious institution, and the idea of gay marriage essentially changes the definition of the word. Do they really find the word "civil union" that offensive? Now I don't know if she's a Christian, but the fact that we don't know the whole story prevents your point from holding water.

Marriage is a civil matter in the eyes of the state. Marriage is a religious institution in the eyes of religious facilities. The Pagans allow Same Sex marriage, so please tell me how Christianity gets a trump in the eyes of the law, when this country was founded on the idea of religious freedom.

Do they really find the word "civil union" that offensive?

Hell yes. The difference between the word marriage and the phrase "civil union" is 1341 federal protections. Is it really offensive to have different water fountains for black people and white people? it's all the same water.

If you don't think same sex couples should find "Civil Unions" offensive, would you be willing to abolish the word "Marriage" from all government documents for heterosexual couples as well, so everyone is equal? Frankly, I like this idea. Government should get out of the business of marriage and allow 2 people to join in a civil union.

This bit was taken from the Iowa Supreme Court Ruling outlawing a Gay Marriage ban:

Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage. Having addressed and rejected each specific interest articulated by the County, the court addressed one final ground believed to underlie the same-sex marriage debate—religious opposition. Recognizing the sincere religious belief held by some that the “sanctity of marriage” would be undermined by the inclusion of gay and lesbian couples, the court nevertheless noted that such views are not the only religious views of marriage. Other, equally sincere groups have espoused strong religious views yielding the opposite conclusion. These contrasting opinions, the court finds, explain the absence of any religious-based rationale to test the constitutionality of Iowa’s same-sex marriage statute. “Our constitution does not permit any branch of government to resolve these types of religious debates and entrusts to courts the task of ensuring government avoids them . . . . The statute at issue in this case does not prescribe a definition of marriage for religious institutions. Instead, the statute, declares, ‘Marriage is a civil contract’ and then regulates that civil contract . . . . Thus, in pursuing our task in this case, we proceed as civil judges, far removed from the theological debate of religious clerics, and focus only on the concept of civil marriage and the state licensing system that identifies a limited class of persons entitled to secular rights and benefits associated with marriage.”

Better written than anything I could ever articulate.

Many people are raised in strict Christian families and the bible does clarify that marriage is between a man and a woman

The bible also says slave trading is cool (Leviticus 25:39-46), and eating shellfish is an abomination (Leviticus 11:1-23) (later understood that shellfish made people of that time sick, because they didn't know how to cook it properly). I mean, there's a lot of things the bible says. Unfortunately, a lot of it doesn't make sense anymore.