Mix my Death Metal song

Hum...I can give it a try. When will vocals be recorded?

Edit: 45 min quick mix


Guitar Rig 2 with stock cabs, studio devil bass, the metal "laundry" with first own preset I found, izotope ozone 3.
The mix is a bit rare in bass region, but it's a quick mix and haven't time to handle the electric bass. I have added some little delays and reverbs on rythms. Next friday-saturday I could dedicate it more time.

Thanks to some idiots I don't share my shitty presets, sorry.

...And of course, I'm a decent man who replies to all his pm's ;)

Somehow I missed this, it really does sound fuckin' awesome. This reminds me more of Bloodbath's new album "The Fathomless Mastery" which is sweet. :rock:
Thanks guys.
I am bored... I have made insignificant changes.
More room in drums to bring up the snare and toms, and original guitars mixed with a very low volume standard tone.

I'd say your first one is better, this one is too bright. Maybe fatten up the bottom end a bit on the first one and reduce the treble a bit, also liked the drums better on the first one imo.
Hi Guys!
Here' s my try:


D.I. tracks has been edited and reamped, and drums was "re-thinked", by the two amazing technicians of this small but nice studio here in Italy.
Then they sent me the tracks and I made this quite-fast 4-hours version of the mix... then "mastered" whit only a pair of limiters.

Gtrs Reamp was done with a 5150 in hi-gain, tracked by 4 mics;
then the same 5150 in lo-gain with the same mics settings;
then a krank (same mics)

Bass reamp was done with an Ampeg SVT, and a Tech21 dist... miked by 4 mics.

I hope you will enjoy it!
I really enjoyed mixing it!!!

I absolutely loved this thread! Thank you all for your posts, your mixes and your time!



If someone is interested, i' ve uploaded also the mix:
- in wav
- in mp3
and the master:
- in wav
Thanks arvoitus... you're so gentle :)

I can do all mix changes we want. It's not a problem... the mix is done all ITB, so i can reopen it and make changes whenever i/you want.
Maybe i' ll wait for the vocals track, so we can add them, close this mix and... bring the kick up :)

i' ve seen you are from Netherlands... can i ask you wich part of it?
I went there a few months ago and i absolutely loved it... nice people in a wonderful place :)