Mixing quote form on a studio website

Lately I've been thinking of ways to make the whole process of getting in touch easier for potential clients. My number one concern is putting together an easy-to-use uploading system, since a lot people seem to find using tradition FTP transfers somewhat difficult. Another point I considered was having a simple form on my website for anyone interested to get a quote on their project for mixing (my mastering rates are flat).

The form would include the following fields (asterisk marked fields are required):

1) Name of the band
2) Name of the release
3) Number of tracks *
4) Musical style *
5) Schedule
6) Link to examples of the bands earlier work
7) Label or independent release *
8) Should mastering be included *
9) Is reamping required? *
10) Are any of the instruments MIDI only (drums, synths, etc.)? *
11) Were the tracks recorded in a home or professional studio?
12) Additional information or questions
13) Contact e-mail *

This would make it easier for the bands to approach me, and it would make sure I get the necessary information right from the beginning so I wouldn't have to ask for it several times. Naturally, traditional e-mail, phone etc. queries would still be an option for those who prefer it.

I'd like to hear opinions from people who might consider hiring a mixing engineer online. Would this seem like a nice addition to you, or would you find it impersonal or inconvenient? How about the information fields, anything you'd like to add or change?
As long as there's also an email contact for you there too I think it'd be cool. I hate filling in forms like that on site with no response and you've no email address to follow it up on.
I use a contact form in lieu of an email address on my band's site and it has definitely come in handy. no spam!

I think this would really help filter out people that are not serious. If this current project ever finishes I'm definitely going to require some sort of audio demo from folks that want to record. I have to learn to say NO.

In other words, i think this will only help filter out useless/unprofessional communication.
I've been pondering doing the same thing, but I wasn't sure if it feels a bit "industrial" or "unpersonal", it just gets annoying when someone sends an e-mail saying something like:
"Hi, How much is it to record an EP?"

Could you be a bit more vague please?
Take it one step further and write an algorithm that combines all of their answers and automatically gives them an estimate. How nifty would that be :D

That actually passed my mind, but in addition to losing the last of the personal touch, I would probably end up writing a script that offers mixes for 20€ per song :lol:

Definitely a good idea. Would help twats like me to not take up too much of your time!! :D

Haha, you've been one of my easiest clients so far, mate :D I've received query e-mails that consist of nothing but "price, please" and a link to a song, so I thought this might help reducing guessing work on such cases :)
This is a great idea imo! I might just steal it :lol:

The form should save a lot of trouble and time.. it's also easier for the bands because even if they really try hard to include all relevant information in the first contact mail, something is always missing. And mostly it's just "hi, how much is mastering 5 songs" because they're lazy fucks anyway, heh.
Just like to point out that we use one as well via a HTML tab on our Facebook page, it works really well. We also list our email addresses. We've actually been asking bands who choose to email us instead to after we correspond via email and the booking is confirmed to fill one out so we have a log of all our quotes!