Mjölnir in old norse...


New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2007
anyone knows how to write Mjölnir in old norse... cause I want Mjölnir tatoet on my arm or chest (not sure yet) and have its name underneath it in old norse.

I think its this, it says "mjoelnir" actually, but i think thats the way to write it.. not sure, and im a n00b so dont trust me :lol:
Well, you take some runes, and you put them together phonetically. There is no right way to spell Mjöllnir, because the spelling would depend on who was saying, where he lived geographically it since it's spelled phonetically, and when he said it, since the rune alphabet (the futhark) changed over the centureis. If I, for example, were to spell it in runes, it'd be M (like an upturned fork), I, U, L, N, E (like a line with a dot in the middle), R, becasue that is how people spelled it where I come from, and with the 16 rune futhark. Knarfi would spell it how he has above, with his pronounciation and the 24 rune futhark. Neither is wrong. So, the best thing to do is to go on the net, find a copy of the futhark, and spell it how you feel it should be spelled. Nobody can tell you it's wrong.