I'm not a huge MMA fan, but Holm was pretty technically awesome and that was enjoyable from an objective POV. Rousey not adjusting is an insane level of arrogance though.
lolwut? :lol:

People love lopping up whatever hype Dana stews up. All these new fans have been going crazy for this womens mma bullshit so he's decided to go balls deep into it. It's where the money is at, even at the cost of losing a shit ton of hardcore fans of the sport. "One of the pound for pound greats" "she can beat this guy and that guy" etc. :lol: Cyborg would have fucked her up. And everyone including Dana knew that. The guy can single-handedly make an average fighter on a win streak look like a fucking god to newbs or casuals. He's been doing it for years already ... member Lesnar?

i agree she was obviously overhyped and she's no cyclops, but it was the comprehensive nature of the humiliation that was near unprecedented to me. she didn't touch gloves and made a really petty tweet before the fight, claimed she could outbox her and got completely outboxed, barely landed a shot, got beaten at the things she's best at as well, got knocked unconscious and sent to hospital with a bloody face, she even swung a big haymaker and holm ducked and she went flying. this was all against an opponent who may have had boxing pedigree but had mostly looked like shit in the octagon prior to this fight, and was given no chance whatsoever with the bookmakers or with anybody really. and it was right at the point where her hype was most crazy and she'd signed loads of promotional deals and just become the new face of the UFC, perhaps even the face of women's sport as a whole. i mean you couldn't have written a more sensational, humiliating script for her if you tried.
I don't find MMA entertaining anymore, and never for womens MMA. As TB said, the UFC has turned into a WWE drama hype train.

all the shit surrounding MMA and its promotion is annoying but the fights are still the same, more or less - that's what i like about sport, no matter what hype surrounds a big event, once you get into the ring or onto the field etc it's the same as it ever was, there's that purity preserved beneath all the manufacturated drama and corporate bullshit. that's why i can't turn my back on boxing no matter how much of a shower of shit it becomes - and UFC is nowhere near as awful as boxing, at least the best generally still fight the best.
i agree she was obviously overhyped and she's no cyclops, but it was the comprehensive nature of the humiliation that was near unprecedented to me. she didn't touch gloves and made a really petty tweet before the fight, claimed she could outbox her and got completely outboxed, barely landed a shot, got beaten at the things she's best at as well, got knocked unconscious and sent to hospital with a bloody face, she even swung a big haymaker and holm ducked and she went flying. this was all against an opponent who may have had boxing pedigree but had mostly looked like shit in the octagon prior to this fight, and was given no chance whatsoever with the bookmakers or with anybody really. and it was right at the point where her hype was most crazy and she'd signed loads of promotional deals and just become the new face of the UFC, perhaps even the face of women's sport as a whole. i mean you couldn't have written a more sensational, humiliating script for her if you tried.

Yea i agree with most of what you're saying. She deifnitely got embarassed. She was sitting on Danas straw made high horse and she came crashing down. I knew she had no chance if she tried to strike with Holm ... that chick has been knocking people out for years now(most of which have been from kicks). Holm is much more than just a boxer, she's probably the best all around striker in womens MMA. I knew she was something special form the minute i saw her in Bellator. I'm not a fan of womans mma, but at least now the belt belongs to a humble, class act of a champion, not that POS rousey. Another funny thing is she had this interview a few days ago where she was saying something like "Holm and Tate can fight for the top spot once i retire". hhahahaha. Yea the whole thing happening when her hype train was at full speed just makes everything even sweeter.

edit: I havent seen any of her UFC fight though, but she was a regular on the highlight reels for Inside MMA.

I still thnk GSP losing to Serra is the most "embarassing loss" in UFC history. Outside of the UFC, first one that comes to mind is Fedors loss to Bigfoot Silva.
i find conor's schtick really tiresome and hope he loses

anyone watching cotto canelo this weekend? lots of other really interesting fights/prospect showcases too.
I still thnk GSP losing to Serra is the most "embarassing loss" in UFC history. Outside of the UFC, first one that comes to mind is Fedors loss to Bigfoot Silva.

Yeah it's definitely up there with GSP vs Serra. Difference is that GSP simply got caught, whereas Rousey just got flat out embarassed for the entirety of the fight.

And Fedor's loss to Werdum was even worse IMO. He just walked into the fucking triangle. Left me scratching my head.
Yea but there was a huge chance that Holm would win if Rousey stayed on the feet with her, huuuge chance. Serra beating GSP was just not something that was supposed to be possible.

I find it funny that people are putting Rousey in the same category as fighters like GSP. I find it absolutely hilarious actually. He demolished everyone(an impressive list of names), in the most cometetive divisions(att) for nearly 10 years. She beat a few female tin cans and made a movie and all of a sudden shes a P4P great being mentioned with the greatest fighters of all time? :lol: Yeah, Dana works wonders. She never even fought the best female fighter.

Lol, yea Fedor ended up losing because he thought Werdum was some kind of sacrificial lamb for him. Werdum has looong been considered the best heavyweight BJJ practitioner on this planet. So Fedor getting caught for showing absolutely ZERO respect for his ground game wasnt that shocking. He did the same thing with Henderson, highly underestimated him, showed absolutely no respect coming out of the gates .... and he got caught(edit: *although most of the finishing shots were to the back of the head). That one was almost just as shocking, Hendo was not supposed to beat Fedor. Out of Werdum, Silva and Henderson .. i would say Werdum was/is clearly the biggest threat to Fedor. I think the biggest shock from the Werdum loss was just watching the invincible Fedor lose.

And i have to correct myself, as far as real in ring embarrassments go. No one will top what Silva did to Forrest Griffin in 09.


... these still make me laugh. :lol:




... this one is pretty hilarious too.

The classic Bisping ones are still tops though.
McGregor is a fucking beast. That fight was so fucking hyped, now can you imagine the hype around the Aldo/Mcgregor fight? Jesus fucking christ, it's going to multiply by a 1000 fold.

I have only seen one Mcgregor fight, but yeah he's a beast especially for a featherweight, you would have no idea he was a featherweight. One of the best fights I have seen is Nick Diaz vs B.J Penn. B.J was a great fighter in his prime, but Nick Diaz fucked his face up so bad that B.J retired after the fight and was all pissed off because his face was all messed up.:)
... which one did you like the most? The Cosby one takes the cake for me. :lol:

anyone watching cotto canelo this weekend? lots of other really interesting fights/prospect showcases too.

I'm gonna try and catch it at one of the local bars here. Im calling it right now, Canelo is going to beat the crap out of Cotto. I think he's the best light middleweight/middleweight in the sport right now.
i think he'll win too (a closer fight though) but i don't think he's justified that claim really, although you're entitled to your opinion of course. he has a hell of a resumé under his belt for one so young, but he's not got any real clear signature wins and has been seen to struggle at times when he shouldn't be. he's also pretty blatantly avoiding golovkin at this point, or at least being really devious about stacking the deck for when they do fight. i was really impressed with canelo for taking a couple of the fights he's taken recently, i thought he was one of the last guys in the sport with a pair of balls, but a whole host of legendary boxers are turning in their graves at this horseshit about being unwilling to fight at the middleweight limit or able to make junior middleweight. lost a lot of respect for him when he came out with that one. of course, cotto's been even more of a twat about that stuff just recently and i don't condone that either.

be willing to fight in a fucking weight division or give up any right to call yourself the best in that division. whoever wins this fight will not in any way shape or form be the 'middleweight champion' when they don't fight at 160 and won't fight the top ranked guy at 160. for the record i do think canelo may well be the best jr. middleweight right now, though i'd like to see him against andrade.
i also think cotto shouldn't get into the HoF if he loses this fight then retires. i probably have higher standards for the HoF than what's realistic these days, but still. very good career, not a great one.
I'm gonna say that If Rousey would of spent most of her time trying to take Holly to the ground, Holly would of lost by far. It's the same story from Ronda's Last fight against Bethe. She said she could out box a striker and she did, but Bethe was never a world champion. If Ronda would of utilized her Judo skills, she would of kicked Holly's ass on the ground game, hell she almost had the armbar if she could of just flipped holly on her back.
Slugfest from last night.

why in the world would middleweights want to get into a slugfest with Manhoef? The guy has put heavyweights to sleep more than a few times(mma AND k-1) ... including Mark Hunt, who is known for having a granite chin.
i enjoyed it! not quite the fireworks some were hoping for but it was a good competitive fight. i actually had it 118-110 canelo but i seem to be in the minority (having it that wide i mean). to me almost every round was really close but he just kept scraping them with quality over quantity. cotto's punches were bouncing off him like they were nothing, he was just too physically outsized.

the co-main was even better, what a scrap that was! let's never mention the rigo fight ever again though....