terrific fight in the boxing tonight:
killer performance from frampton. didn't know he had it in him! i'd love to see him against russell jr. or valdez next year.
Anyone else see the results of the 7 hour surgery to fix Santos' skull? I think it's safe to say his career is over. Because that guy has so many plates in his forehead now. I can't see him ever getting back in the octagon.
.. yeah, he has more metal in his head now than bone.

What great weekend of fights. UFC 201 produced a bunch of sweet knockouts. But the Krylov one was my favorite. Boy must have some stinky ass feet, lol.

another sweet KO ...

Lawlers usual slow start cost him the fight. His boxing couch should explain to him that MMA isnt boxing, and that he cant go out and try to feel his opponent out for a full round or two, even though he won a few fights like that, the Manhoef one being the first one that comes to mind.

Fuck, i tried to find the full fight but i couldnt. This was one crazy ass fight where Manhouef basically bullied Lawler around for the full fight to a point where Lawler looked like he had seen a ghost was literally running away from him. Never seen him so scared in my life, and i've been watching the guy since his career began. Showed Robbie no respect whatsoever, and ended up getting put to sleep. Melvin was a K-1 monster who has knocked the fuck out of heavyweights, including Mark Hunt ... and the guy is a fucking middleweight, lol.

"Maaarrkk Huntttoooo" lolll. Man i miss the Japanese announcers, especially the crazy Pride lady.

edit: fuuucccck i miss PRIDEFC
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I see a lot of fighters get knocked out like Manhouef did there. (Not specifically that goofy leg kick mind you) He thought he staggered his opponent, comes straight in, then takes a dirt nap because he didn't hurt him at all. Usually the knockouts when this happens are particularly nasty because the guys guard is completely or partially down.

It's kind of a fluke when that happens I think but what do I know?
That was a monster leg kick. But the funny thing is that kick ended up positioning Lawlers outer foot to where it should have been, which in return added much more power to the punch that put him to sleep, lol

Yea that stuff happens a lot. Especially with a guy like Manhoef. Top notch strikers from K-1 usually have no respect for the striking skills of mixed martial artists. He underestimated Lawler, and got put to sleep. That's pretty much how most of his losses went(although in the MMA world, most guys would go straight for the takedown and try to submit him). He's just a pure berserker. I love watching his fights ...someones always getting put to sleep.
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incredible fight, man. absolutely loved it. i see i'm alone in scoring it for nate so maybe i need to rewatch round 2 - i did think the third was a 10-8 for nate either way though. he would've finished it then and there if he didn't headhunt so much.
Yeah I had a tough time scoring this fight. I thought either a split decision either way, or a draw would be the most appropriate. Can't say it was an upset, but I definitely felt Nate slightly won this fight.
incredible fight, man. absolutely loved it. i see i'm alone in scoring it for nate so maybe i need to rewatch round 2 - i did think the third was a 10-8 for nate either way though. he would've finished it then and there if he didn't headhunt so much.

If you go 10-8 in the 3rd how do you not consider a 10-8 in the first 2 for Connor?
the second round was really close, nate arguably won it after taking over and hurting him in the second half. the first round was controlled by conor but he never had nate in trouble the way he was hanging on for dear life in the third. not sure you'd generally get a 10-8 for what was mostly just leg kicks.
you thought Nate almost pulled out a tie/win in the 2nd? Didn't get that impression at all

Connor drops a dude 3 times and Nate literally just eats it for 2 rounds and you think that's a 10-9? Weird
i thought conor was absolutely fantastic in the first round in particular and didn't put a foot wrong, but he wasn't damaging nate (leg aside) the way nate damaged him in the third. we're talking about the UFC here, you basically never see 10-8s unless one guy is in trouble and close to being stopped. maybe you should, but you don't.

i accept i'm in the minority re: r2, although it seems fairly widely regarded to have been the closest round of the fight (along with perhaps the 5th) and a few people did score it diaz's way. conor controlled most of it but then started looking really vulnerable and got pretty resolutely battered over the last minute. i thought he at least came close to evening it up, i'd like to watch it again though.
anyways, i think diaz only has himself (and his corner) to blame. body punches in the third would've ended it. a better cutman would've stopped that cut from fucking him over toward the end, it was like they barely worked on it. there was a lot of useless bs going on in that corner. conor on the other hand executed the right gameplan and seemed to have prepared himself better in numerous ways.
Can't say I saw the fight, first fight was great though. Pay-per-view is to much money. I did catch the shit where Diaz and McGregor threw water bottles at each other, good stuff.
Gotta love Josh Barnett. Coming out to Bolt Thrower and then choking out Arlovski. Gustafsson looked damn rusty though. He was getting hit a lot on his feet. Hopefully he deals with that in time for the glorious Jon Jones rematch (if that will ever happen in our lifetime)..
it was a great performance by the warmaster, never pushed it too hard, adapted to the situation, did some rly cool things. beast.

idk if anyone here cares anymore but w/e i'll paste my post from elsewhere just in case

three boxing fights to look out for this weekend.

the most obvious, and least good, is golovkin vs. brook. it's intriguing in as much as it's certainly the best fighter triple g has yet faced - trouble is, brook is a welterweight, and golovkin is an exceptionally powerful middleweight. dude could get badly hurt in there.

roman gonzalez, most people's p4p number 1 in the wake of mayweather's retirement, is stepping up another division to face number 1 super flyweight cuadras. this is the kind of ballsy move you used to see in decades past, but don't anymore. if he wins (which is far from a given as cuadras is an excellent fighter) and continues to seek out these kinds of challenges, we may have the privilege of seeing one of the all time great resumés being forged, certainly in the history of the smaller weight classes. can't wait for this one, it's one of the biggest fights this year in every way that matters.

and first off, richard commey and robert easter jr are fighting for a vacant lightweight belt. this is ABOUT TO HAPPEN on spike TV. commey is an undefeated power puncher with a lot of quality, while easter is one of the greatest prospects in boxing (better than verdejo at the same weight in my opinion), reminding strongly of tommy hearns. this is the kind of super risky step up fight for a major prospect that you don't see too often anymore either. if easter wins comfortably he is very much the real deal, and the same applies to commey. if you've never watched easter before, believe me when i say he's worth checking out this weekend.
easter fight was awesome, he won by split decision. GGG was poor and brook did himself proud, but GGG inevitably got the TKO5. gonzalez vs. cuadras was insane, high level stuff at a ridiculously fast paced. gonzalez got a close but clear UD.

meanwhile werdum was just involved in one of the weirdest fights ever. and cm punk got annihilated in a couple of minutes lol