Moar halp!


Nov 12, 2005
Yeah my computer is still fuxx0rd.
Now worse than ever.

It freezes, fullout freeze of everything after being on for 2 min. If I don't log in, the log in screen freezes, when I do, it freezes very shortly after telling me my computer is unprotected and has no anti-virus.

I just installed Norton 2009, and it said there would be compatibility issues with Zone Alarm, but Norton is not opening. I'm running in Safe mode now. Anyone know wtf I did? You have 3 hours to help before I head out, epic thanks are in order.

I cant do an AVG check, since Norton made me remove all that is AVG >8(
I have a similar problem, so I might as well whoar it here.

I hope you guys can help me a bit.

My computer, bought it about 3 years ago, turns itself off whenever it wants to. Which means screen freezes and restarts. (Sometimes it get BSoD)

-It has been in 3 times for repair.
-It is cleaned, no dust, it isn't that.
-Changed the graphics card and the RAM.
-I tried to stress the CPU by opening up every possible program I had, it wouldn't go over 44 degrees celsius.

I had that kind of problem on my computer long long long time ago. If i remember correctly it was something to do with HD going into rest mode and/or the thing actually being set to shut down after a moment.

If it's just randomly then i have no clue. My computer is updating constantly so it restarts like several times a day in worst cases!
My windows updates won't install:lol: I can't even install small security packages, and I can't install SP3:erk:

I'm running Malwarebytes atm, the link Nick posted. Gotta try everything.
You don't have a fucking clue on how many times I have formatted:lol:

May I also add that I tried a different HD. Same problem.

That's pretty much what i do. When computer get's slow or nasty i just put in the Windows XP recovery disk and say "Oh hell with it" and format it.

Then stop downloading shit, you gheyzorz.

You know what they say: If it's not the computer, it's the user.