Modded 5150 II!


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
Maxon OD-820 Pro -> Modded Peavey 5150 II-> Mesa Standard 4x12 -> Audix i5 and OktavaMod MXL 2001 (I really love this condenser)

This is my usual "test song."

Honestly, I'm happy with the tone on this one. What do YOU guys think?

This is a dynamic and condenser mic blend, as mentioned before. Condenser is 3dB lower and panned 10% more toward center than the Dynamic. 5150II.mp3
First of all, awesome tone. You probably already know that you have kick ass tone, but now you can hear it from me. Second, is that...breaking benjamin?
Thank you, I'm not sure if it's "kick ass." I know its better than most tones I've gotten, but I need some reassurance. Second, yes its "Until the End"'s opening riff.
the drums just remind me of pirates! its animal! the 5150 tone is very nice! it cuts through the mix very well and its not too grainy - good job
Favorite riff off that album fo SHO. Sounds sick Greg. I sent you a PM about reamping. :)
Circuitboard is modded to original 5150 specs (plus a few other secrets). All Mercury Trannys and choke, bias mod and tada. Also, I use Sovtek tubes althroughout. Anyone who says Sovteks are shit doesn't know what they're talking about.

I will provide MIDI drums and DIs for instruments in the near future. Not to sound pompous, but I don't want this to turn into a "Holy Diver" DI. I think I've overused this enough as is!

Thanks for all the kind words and this was my first clip! I just threw up the mics and hit record. Sounds like this is a magical beast indeed.
Sick tone dude, really. I think it's even more pleasing than the actual song's tone IMO. What kind of guitar/pickups were used? Amp settings?

P.S. it's Jake from RecordingReview :D
Clip sounds good, it's quite scooped but that is the i5 sound, it would be interesting to hear a blend with an sm57 as well.

Did you get this mod done at fja? I've been thinking about moding my 6505+ to original 5150 specs. What do you think of the tone compared to what it sounded like before it was modded?

Also, do you mind posting the amp and overdrive settings? I have a 6505+, the od820, and a mesa reco cab, so it would be interesting to mess around with different settings since we have similar setups!