Modern thrash (90's - today)


Nov 21, 2001
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I was just sitting around today when I realized I couldn't really think of too many modern thrash metal bands conceived in the 90's other than The Haunted, Carnal Forge, and Witchery, and some people don't even consider those bands thrash. I know there's more. Anybody wanna fill me in here? Just list any 90's thrash metal band ya know of.
Other than those already mentioned, I have a hard time thinking of any more other than maybe The Crown. Most good 00's thrash comes from bands or people that started in the '80's (The Regime, Kreator, Exciter, Jesus-Chrysler).

What the hell will I do in 2010 to get new thrash, if there are fewer bands to follow the mold? Gotta hope that Eric Peterson and Schmier outlive me.

Yeah, Imagika is awesome -- I'd like to get the CD's for all the other bands mentioned, Ritual Carnage, etc.