Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

i thought mw2's single player campaign was too short. I finished it in like 4.5 hours and i didn't even realize that i hadn't killed one of the bad guys when it's over ( i think they're setting it up for a sequel or some dlc). It was a really good campaign though.
i thought mw2's single player campaign was too short. I finished it in like 4.5 hours and i didn't even realize that i hadn't killed one of the bad guys when it's over ( i think they're setting it up for a sequel or some dlc). It was a really good campaign though.

d00000d spoilers! CAREFUL :O some of the peeps here havent finished yet

but yeah it seems blatantly obvious that mw3 is gonna happen

anyone wanna put money down on it breaking mw2's record for biggest entertainment release? :D
I've never been very fond of uber-linear, intensely narrative driven games, but I have to admit that the Call of Duty series has been one of the better examples of that kind of gameplay. I'll definitely play this down the track, if only to play the C-130 missions (God complex and all that).
ah thats just pure luck though. Ive pulled off some sick ones myself but not lucky

Awesome, dude!

I got the Prestige Edition for 150 :D Still don´t know, if I´d sell it for 200, or keep it. When I post some crazy night vision googles photos in the next days, you´ll know :lol:
Oh my god, you bought it Felix? :lol:

Now you can call me "freak" :grin:

It´s not unpacked yet...still not sure, how to deal with it. I also bought the uncut version. I played the first 3 missions and I was totally shocked about the Airport scene..(I did not fire one single shot at the me a pussy). At the same time it was a special experience, because I never saw something brutal like this in a videogame. In GTA is kind of FUN aspect, but this scene was ice cold.
I played the first 3 missions and I was totally shocked about the Airport scene..(I did not fire one single shot at the me a pussy). At the same time it was a special experience, because I never saw something brutal like this in a videogame. In GTA is kind of FUN aspect, but this scene was ice cold.

See, people keep saying like "it's no big deal, we've all killed civilians in GTA before" and I think if anything the media is going to portray gamers as a whole in an even more negative light for taking that sort of standpoint.
Gamers want mature games, then a genuinely mature game comes along and people can't talk about it in a mature manner. The point FOX News and all that make, is that while you're shooting at pixels, they're still representative of something. Pixels put in the right places can still make you feel something.
I hold a huge amount of respect for IW for putting the airport mission in. Why? Because they know it's really, truly horrible imagery. It's not a pleasant mission to play through. First time I played it I felt a little sickened, but that's the fucking point. 90% of people that try and justify the missions content against bullshit "news" shows like fox are going about it in the wrong way. Rather than playing its content down, it needs to be played up, people need to be shown that gamers can respond maturely to mature content, then maybe shit like this will stop being so fucking controversial when it doesn't need to be.

Respect for you for not pulling the trigger, shows you're not some sort of spiritually dead fuckwit who thinks it's all okay because THEYRE JUST PIXELS MANNNN. The reason that mission is so fucking amazing is because they're more than just pixels. They're pixels that represent innocent people that are getting shot down in cold blood, and that's the point.
See, people keep saying like "it's no big deal, we've all killed civilians in GTA before" and I think if anything the media is going to portray gamers as a whole in an even more negative light for taking that sort of standpoint.
Gamers want mature games, then a genuinely mature game comes along and people can't talk about it in a mature manner. The point FOX News and all that make, is that while you're shooting at pixels, they're still representative of something. Pixels put in the right places can still make you feel something.
I hold a huge amount of respect for IW for putting the airport mission in. Why? Because they know it's really, truly horrible imagery. It's not a pleasant mission to play through. First time I played it I felt a little sickened, but that's the fucking point. 90% of people that try and justify the missions content against bullshit "news" shows like fox are going about it in the wrong way. Rather than playing its content down, it needs to be played up, people need to be shown that gamers can respond maturely to mature content, then maybe shit like this will stop being so fucking controversial when it doesn't need to be.

Respect for you for not pulling the trigger, shows you're not some sort of spiritually dead fuckwit who thinks it's all okay because THEYRE JUST PIXELS MANNNN. The reason that mission is so fucking amazing is because they're more than just pixels. They're pixels that represent innocent people that are getting shot down in cold blood, and that's the point.

Well said dude!
See, people keep saying like "it's no big deal, we've all killed civilians in GTA before" and I think if anything the media is going to portray gamers as a whole in an even more negative light for taking that sort of standpoint.
Gamers want mature games, then a genuinely mature game comes along and people can't talk about it in a mature manner. The point FOX News and all that make, is that while you're shooting at pixels, they're still representative of something. Pixels put in the right places can still make you feel something.
I hold a huge amount of respect for IW for putting the airport mission in. Why? Because they know it's really, truly horrible imagery. It's not a pleasant mission to play through. First time I played it I felt a little sickened, but that's the fucking point. 90% of people that try and justify the missions content against bullshit "news" shows like fox are going about it in the wrong way. Rather than playing its content down, it needs to be played up, people need to be shown that gamers can respond maturely to mature content, then maybe shit like this will stop being so fucking controversial when it doesn't need to be.

Respect for you for not pulling the trigger, shows you're not some sort of spiritually dead fuckwit who thinks it's all okay because THEYRE JUST PIXELS MANNNN. The reason that mission is so fucking amazing is because they're more than just pixels. They're pixels that represent innocent people that are getting shot down in cold blood, and that's the point.

I absolutely agree, Gareth. Very well spoken!

Pixels put in the right places can still make you feel something.

Some people think, IW did it to create a scandal...i´m not sure, what they had for intentions, but maybe I know it, after finishing the story. It was the first time, that I had a really strange and (for me so far) UNKNOWN feeling while playing a videogame. I will never forget this moment. This was pretty new for all of us gamers, I think.

I walked through the level, observating the guys killing innocent civilians..I could not shoot one single rounds on I was totally blown away :yow:
Some people think, IW did it to create a scandal...i´m not sure, what they had for intentions, but maybe I know it, after finishing the story. It was the first time, that I had a really strange and (for me so far) UNKNOWN feeling while playing a videogame. I will never forget this moment. This was pretty new for all of us gamers, I think.

Bullshit did they do it to make a scandal. They did it to make you hate Makarov, and hate him I do. To tell a traditional story you need to have protagonists and antagonists, you have to like or sympathise with the protagonists and hate tha antagonists. For example that's why horror movies fall flat on their faces nowadays, the complete inability to like the protagonists.
Sure, IW go to pretty ridiculous lengths to make you hate Makarov with that airport mission, but it's a game for adults, who in theory should be able to handle such imagery (they may not like watching it, it may make them feel dirty, but the point is that they can handle it, as it's a means to an end. The end being hating makarov.) The contraversy surrounding the mission shouldn't exist.

I walked through the level, observating the guys killing innocent civilians..I could not shoot one single rounds on I was totally blown away :yow:

I shot quite a few, but it was more out of a sense of character. You're supposed to be earning Makarov's trust as you're undercover. Not shooting anyone would look weird.
I´m absolutely not in the position to criticice this scene, and so I did not. First I have to finish the game. I just wanted to write you my impressions and feelings I had, without condemn it.

I also didn't shoot any civilians, however I did knock a few policemans heads a'rollin!

Good guys ftw!

Yeah :lol: Policemen have some weapons & stuff...but the only thing the civilians own, is a ticket to a nice holiday with candlelight dinners linked with possible marriage proposals. Fuck this is ice cold and not honorable. But Gareth is right, when he say, it´s weird in a undercover mission to refuse. So the next time I will shoot, but missing the civilians purposeful.
haha i bet in a few years, killing someone in real life will get you about 15 years in prison.
"killing" someone in a video game, hmm...25 maybe!?:heh:
nah, I played the german version so my mission would be over if I killed them.

But when the scene starts I would never ever shot some civillians if I could, It was soooo brutal!!!!

First time I was totaly shocked by a video game and I was glad that there were NO bullet-holes in the bodys and no body pieces flying around....

Think about Soldier of fortune 2 and this level!!!!!
Öwen;8692798 said:
I shot them all.

Same. Not like it matters or anything, jeez.

Anyways, back to multiplayer. You fuckers ever gonna get on and compete?

I think my rank is like 56 or some shit. 2.17 k/d ratio. 5200 kills, 2000 deaths. Crushin' all day =)
