Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

i played some fucking mintttt rounds of ctf last night

i am loving this game way too much, holy fuck.
m4a1 with heartbeat sensor, marathon, hardline and commando = \m/ for CTF
Yeah an emp will just fry anything electronic. Its crazy. Btw a thermal sight on the intervention is fucking ruthless. .the m16 is also insane. The emergency drop is cool but very inaccurate. Harrier is better than the chopper and chooper gunner better than ac130. Any questions?
modern warfare actually made the irish national newspapers this morning due to record selling copies and people getting it at midnight and crap like that - sleep by day, fragging n00bs by night

However, making this at least took my mind off it for awhile :D

I feel ya' Marcus.. im in the same spot.
I really feel a need for Brutal Legend and Modern Warfare 2, and dont have any cash. :(
But i will get my cash in the 19th, so its no big wait, but still annoying having to dodge spoilers etc.

However, making this at least took my mind off it for awhile :D

I HEAR YA, DUDE :waah:

I preordered it, canceled the german version and then ordered the uk version. The price is...I DON´T FUCKING OWN IT! I hope, I get it today.

I also ordered the almighty prestige edition, but I will leave it unpacked and deceide if I sell it at some time or alternatively running around at night with night vision googles and shoot some deer :lol:
Der Untergang was a great fuckin movie.

Yeah, Bruno Ganz was fucking incredible in that film. Depresses me out of my fucking mind watching it so it's a rare one nowadays, but incredible movie none the less.
Turned me onto international cinema, too.
Makes so much more sense to watch foreign film with subtitles because then you're getting the original performance. The way the actor uses their voice in conjunction with the rest of their body makes a huge difference, and all these fucking dubbed films just ruin it.

Like Suspiria dubbed in english :Puke:
I finished it in 5 hours altogether.

Anyway, I find it weird that people are acting so surprised by a call of duty campaign being so short. ALL of the Call of Duty games have had mega short campaigns, but with 10x more shit packed in.
I mean fuck, there's moments as intense as CoD 4's nuke (which was the BIG set piece of the game as far as I'm concerned) every half hour in MW2. People have no right to complain about the length when there's this much going on in a game. :D
i got it at the midnight launch and i was sleep deprived and a little high so i only played the first 2 hours on release night. finished it the next evening though and got really stoned for it. journey is the right word man. the ending nearly killed me
I know people complained about Cod4's campaign being too short, but I honestly found it perfect, because it was just so distilled and refined; quality over quantity, as it were - I'm expecting to feel the same about MW2's also-maligned campaign length!