This is great, dudes 
PS3 users so far:
-Gunslinger1848 (that´s me)

PS3 users so far:
-Gunslinger1848 (that´s me)
This is great, dudes
PS3 users so far:
-Gunslinger1848 (that´s me)
This is great, dudes
PS3 users so far:
-Gunslinger1848 (that´s me)
As this thread refuses to die I would like to add that Raffica (the secondary machine pistol) is the shit. It´s like a FAMAS/AR-15 (same strenght and accuracy) but you can move faster if you have a SMG on the primary slot. I bet IW is going to nerf it on a future patch.
Just grabbed a copy last night with some of that holiday money.
Xbox 360: Randyisgod15.
I'll be on religiously right after I beat Arkham Asylum so I can send it back to Gamefly.
PS3 users so far:
-Gunslinger1848 (that´s me)
Have you guys a headset? I don´t own one yet, but I absolutely prefer to play with guys in a team who are not 11 year old and mentally retarded, exaggerated spoken. Reference of my experience in PSN. So I´m looking forward to play with you![]()
Have you guys a headset?
I also fully support not wanting to listen to 12 year olds screaming in headsets with the fucking voice changer on. It makes me want to murder them, and I enjoy telling them to shut the flying fuck up.
Whats your favourite maps dudes??i dig rust cause its just pure mayhem, really small loads of action...
My favourite map is Favela, Skid Row and Afghanistan, because I know it the best yet![]()
Dudes, can we talk about Sniper Rifles? I yesterday began using it and it makes a lot of fun. Which one of the 4 sniper rifles is the best?