Momd!! what the fuck!!


Feb 4, 2002
Folks when I first heard MOMD I thought The chiefs bass drums sounded like shit. But when I listen to it on differant systems the bass is either shit or amazing. what the hell is going on here? Is it the speaker, the system or the volume? Wu, Brent or Justin any ideas?
prime666 said:
Folks when I first heard MOMD I thought The chiefs bass drums sounded like shit. But when I listen to it on differant systems the bass is either shit or amazing. what the hell is going on here? Is it the speaker, the system or the volume? Wu, Brent or Justin any ideas?

What type of system are you listening to it through? What type of amp, speakers do you have? Are you listening to it in Dolby Digital 5.1 surround or 2.0 Stereo? What are your bass and trebel levels? Do you have an EQ hooked up? How are your speakers positioned if you are listening to it in Surround? Is your Sub-woofers levels set wrong?

I have no complaints about the sound whatsoever. The 5.1 Digital Surround is perfectly mixed. The vocals are crisp and clean, guitars are great, and the bass is pounding . Charlies drums sound better than perfect. The mix on this DVD is (IMHO) one of the best mixes on a live DVD.
Why is the default stereo setting on the DVD 2.0? Most DVDs automatically use 5.1. When I first started listening to the DVD, I thought the sound was poor, but then when I realized that I had to manually switch to 5.1, it kicked ass.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I have no complaints about the sound whatsoever. The 5.1 Digital Surround is perfectly mixed. The vocals are crisp and clean, guitars are great, and the bass is pounding . Charlies drums sound better than perfect. The mix on this DVD is (IMHO) one of the best mixes on a live DVD.
Agreed, and i'm picky about sound quality anyway.
My 5 speakers and subwoofer cost about $1,800.

Now if only the super quick cut editing between camera angles wasn't done at a nauseating lightning fast pace, then it would be just about perfect.
Plus a nice white follow spotlight or two would have helped, instead of all that ugly red and dark lighting.
the dvd truly only shines when your house is shaking lol,play around with the equalizer settings,i have a 12 year old stereo that belts it out nicely!