Moments of unexpected soloing brilliance...

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
You know the bands that usually suck at solos, or don't so them at all, but have one song that has a kick-ass solo that blows you away. Got any?

Here's one: Old Man's Child-The millenium King (ne of my favorite solo's of all time.....yet the only good one OMC have ever done I believe!)
I always cream my pants when I hear this one guitar solo in the second part of Green Carnation's "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" single.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Generally i don't give In Flames solo's a second thought, i just love their rhythm parts and such, but the song December flower... WOW!! i love the solo in that!!

I think you already know this but it's Fredrik Johansson (not the same as Dark Tranquillity's Johansson) who is one hell of a guitarist.