Montreal, Canada (Bootleg? Pictures?)


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2004
Hey there!

The show last night was fuckin amazing!
Opeth fuckin owned! Moonspell was great!!!! and devildriver... sucked.
Opeth played alot of heavy shit, not much mellow stuff...

Porably one of the best shows ive ever been too!!

If anyone has a audio recording, or pictures, let me know!
How do you don't know the Encore song if you were there last night????

...and yes, the encore song was Demon of the Fucking Fall.
It was, again, a pretty good show!! :rock:
i was there For the Third time in a row. Mikael counted 3 seconds and said ( cause everybody knew which song it would be) : "which song are you gonna here? 1-2-3" .. the whole crowd screemed: "DEMON ON THE FALL!" too funny! for me the song of the night was april ethereal or maybe blackwater park... and don't forget micheal jackson's billy jean intro!
1200 strongs were there as i heard and they were loud. it was just too great.
The song I got into the most was April Ethereal too, especially the last 2 minutes. Awesome show. Moonspell too were great, I love those guys. The singer for Moonspell screamed out MONTREAALLLLL!!! like 37 times during the show, even in the middle of songs. I wonder if he does this with every city.
Anybody remember the setlist?

I think it was:

-Master's Apprentices
-Blackwater Park
-In my time of need
-April Etheral
-Demon of the Fall

but I know I forgot one tune from Still Life, I can't remember which one and when they played it...

please right my wrongs
^ hahaha yeah exactly.

I was there i have got pics....but they all sucks.

I almost got the free Damnation DVD the girl threw in the crowd. Too bad...i got the free fanzine instead :erk:

The best Opeth show so far. The moor was fucking INCREDIBLE and so was April Ethereal.

Mike "We are please to tour USA again"

Crowd "BooooooooooooooH"

Mike "Oops Canada, we do so much touring that it fucks me"

Mike:"So, we are please to come to Montreal, Canada and..."

Crowd " booooooooooooooooooooh"

Mike: "What"

Crowd " QUEBEC TABARNAK !!!!" :grin: :grin: awesome
ET Hydro Quebec said:
^ hahaha yeah exactly.

I was there i have got pics....but they all sucks.

I almost got the free Damnation DVD the girl threw in the crowd. Too bad...i got the free fanzine instead :erk:

The best Opeth show so far. The moor was fucking INCREDIBLE and so was April Ethereal.

Mike "We are please to tour USA again"

Crowd "BooooooooooooooH"

Mike "Oops Canada, we do so much touring that it fucks me"

Mike:"So, we are please to come to Montreal, Canada and..."

Crowd " booooooooooooooooooooh"

Mike: "What"

Crowd " QUEBEC TABARNAK !!!!" :grin: :grin: awesome
ROFL :tickled:
I would love to know where you guys got your tickets, I looked for about 2 week and i go no information at all. The tickets were not sold online(i checked 2 months, month ago and weeks before the show) I tried to phone the medley but i got nothing, needless to say was quite pissed and i am still quite pissed. Any way later
it was'nt with admission this time but with ticketpro. you needed a credit card if you wanted to buy you ticket or go to the medley or other places like spectrum or metropolis. a friend of mine have a credit card so i've been lucky.
ET Hydro Quebec said:
^ hahaha yeah exactly.

I was there i have got pics....but they all sucks.

I almost got the free Damnation DVD the girl threw in the crowd. Too bad...i got the free fanzine instead :erk:

The best Opeth show so far. The moor was fucking INCREDIBLE and so was April Ethereal.

Mike "We are please to tour USA again"

Crowd "BooooooooooooooH"

Mike "Oops Canada, we do so much touring that it fucks me"

Mike:"So, we are please to come to Montreal, Canada and..."

Crowd " booooooooooooooooooooh"

Mike: "What"

Crowd " QUEBEC TABARNAK !!!!" :grin: :grin: awesome

I once went to a megadeth show at ..... i can't remember somewhere in montreal, any way all the 40 -55 came to see megadeth, however Static - X a kick ass band from the states was on first. Anyhow after each static song that finished the fans would scream megadeth , but the would say it Mega- debt............ Only in quebec really, i still laugh to this day about that.
£xil on t}{£ Fa\\ said:
it was'nt with admission this time but with ticketpro. you needed a credit card if you wanted to buy you ticket or go to the medley or other places like spectrum or metropolis. a friend of mine have a credit card so i've been lucky.
Thx for the info i will know for next time!
ET Hydro Quebec said:
:cool: It was on January 10 1998 at the Metropolis during the Cryptic Writings tour. I was there. I remember this show like if it was yesterday. It was during the Ice Storm.

Hehe we all screamed MEGADETTE.... :loco:

All i have to say is, at the time i really liked megadeth but after seening that show. I loved Static X, they had soo much energy and great music, too bad they kinda went downhill.


And yes that was the show