Moody Black Metal

Surely, you have not heard every metal band in existence to this current day in the year of our lord 2008. You only want to hear 'newer' bands from their existence date whereas you could find new music by bands who've existed for a long period of time, yet not known about them. Does such not classify as 'new' music?
Yes it does, but I think you misunderstood my original intention/meaning. There are surely thousands of albums I haven't heard that I would like. But there is very little being created or bands being started lately that are truly interesting or good to me. And the stuff coming out that I do like is stuff from fairly older bands. We are both looking at new differently, but I do see your point and definitely agree.
Lengsel - The Kiss, The Hope ... superb superb stuff..

and there is another band I can't remember the name of right now..but there's a girl in it, and the schtick of it is that it's supposed to be this straight line between black metal and shoegaze. I checked them out once and liked it but now I can't remember the name at all. I know how vague this is but if anyone has any idea at all of who I might be talking about, I recommend them too.
They fucking rule, yes. I am actually friends with the main guy behind the band. In addition to the two you've recommended, which rule, I would also recommend Nji. Njiijn. Njiiijn..
All of these do kind of land squarely in that 'sort of black metal/black metal influenced' camp, btw. They aren't completely removed or anything like that, it's just none of it is 100% real black metal which just happens to be moody. But you should like it if you're leaning that way.
Which is perfectly fine with me. I enjoy it quite a lot.

BTW, I'm looking of the two Gris albums are they both good?. So far only The End Records carries them that I've seen and "Il etait" is out of stock.
I'm listening to the Gris stuff on their myspace right now as well. Good so far. I really, really, really like it when bands trying to do this sort of thing get it right. I'm aware of the crap that's out there and how post-whatever is always sort of looming on the horizon as the next big thing to 'take metal to the next level' or whatever. But as with all things like this, there's some legitimate diamonds out there.