Black Metal vocalists

Come on People.
Legion > Mortuus

Marduk was a hell lot better with Legion, it was much more energetic and powerful sounding, with mortuus is sounds just bland, boring and just doesn't sound like Marduk anymore.

Arioch belongs to Funeral Mist, since the guys is very orthodox, he sure fits better in the king of orthodox band than Marduk which is more war-themed.


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Caligula is definitely a favorite, and I'd include Bjørnar Erevik Nilsen from Vulture Industries... also Attila.

Legion, guys? Come on, he gets these huge breaks in his voice and it's like he's shouting with a rasp. I bought Funeral Marches and Warsongs and he made a fool of himself on stage. Too many hand signs.
Ya, after watching those two vids, Mortuus wins for me.

edit: After watching some more video's from the Blood Puke Salvation Dvd, I gotta say I am damn impressed with Mortuus. Great vocals for sure and far better than what I have heard of Legion, as limited as that may be.