Black Metal vocalists

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Whom do to like, dislike? I really love the style of vocal in a lot of black metal. The crazy screams/shreiks, when done right really add a lot to the music.

I'm a big fan of Skjeld from Nyktalgia. Really puts a lot of emotion into his shreiks and he sounds totally convincing when belting out the lyrics.
Being a Leviathan fan, I can't help but mention Wrest, especially on "Tentacles of Whorror" he sounds possessed.
Dave Hunt is insane, incredible screamer. His performance on "The Codex Necro" is flawless.
Big fan of the vocals in 1349 as well as Dimmu Borgir. Both are styles I enjoy quite a bit.
Attila Csihar (Mayhem, Tormentor)
Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
Garm (Ulver)
Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone)
Neige (Peste Noire, Mortifera)
IX (Urfaust)
Shamaatae (Arckanum)

The main one I can think of that really annoys me is Nattramn from Silencer.
Varg, Attila, Shamaatae, Vindsval (Blut Aus Nord), Unhold (Luror), Holocausto is good, Mikko (DSO/Clandestine Blaze)
Most of my favorites have already been mentioned, but I'd like to add Drakh from Katharsis.

One I don't like is Ihsahn's more current style. Sounds too processed and forced.
I like Varg's vocals, as well as Attila's vocals (I just don't terribly feel they fit on DMDS).

And as much as I know the band is hated, I absolutely adore Emperor Magus Caligula's vocals from Dark Funeral. Especially on Attera Totus Sanctus.

Edit: And I forgot totally about Mikko Aspa.
At this point, I'm not sure that I have any favourite black metal vocalists anymore.

However, I can't stand vocalists who emulate Varg, or black metal that strongly resembles Burzum. I am a fan of Burzum, but for whatever reason I absolutely can't stand most Burzum sound-alikes.
Attila's vocals (I just don't terribly feel they fit on DMDS).
I thought the same for the longest time, never could quite get to Attila's vocals but now I'll check out pretty much anything with his voice on it.

That scream at the first part of "What Fresh Hell" is awesome.
Yes! I love the ending to "Cut, With the Night Into Mine Heart" when the music stops and it's just Wrest screeching out the title in pure evil fashion.
Even if they aren't totally black metal anymore, V.I.T.R.O.I.L's (Anaal Nathrakh) vocals always get me.