Black Metal vocalists

Yes! I love the ending to "Cut, With the Night Into Mine Heart" when the music stops and it's just Wrest screeching out the title in pure evil fashion.

:kickass: and i like how at the end of what fresh hell he sounds like some creature that has just crawled back into a cave.
I thought all Wrest's vocals were distorted? And if doing so take away some natural parts of his scream?
For me, my favorites
Ihsahn's current style
Satyr's current style
Emperor Magus Caligula
Varg Vikernes
Legion from Marduk
The main one I can think of that really annoys me is Nattramn from Silencer.

I like those vocals alot, as well as Icare from Gris.
-Torog (Behexen),
-Facsist (Winter of Apokalypse)-even though they're bland, they fit and add to the mood well.
and of course Varg, Attila, and Neige.
Anyone heard Malvery's one and only full-length "Mortal Entrenchment In Requiem"? Infamous due to singer Amer LeChatier killing himself after the recording of the record, the vocals on that one are pretty unusual. He's just screaming at the top of his lungs like he's being slowly tortured.
Anyone heard Malvery's one and only full-length "Mortal Entrenchment In Requiem"? Infamous due to singer Amer LeChatier killing himself after the recording of the record, the vocals on that one are pretty unusual. He's just screaming at the top of his lungs like he's being slowly tortured.

Yeah, that album has a ridiculously impressive vocal performance. You can tell that he was being completely serious.
I prefer:

Alan - Primordial
Icare - Gris
Shamaatae - Arckanum
Nattramn - Silencer
Marquis - Bethlehem
Neige - ex Mortifera, Peste Noire
Cadavre - Grimlair
Stefan Necroabyssious - Varathron

Not a fan of Wolves In The Throneroom vocals.
Dave Hunt is insane, incredible screamer. His performance on "The Codex Necro" is flawless.

While I don't mind his performance with Anaal, I have to say that seeing him front Benediction was a real eye opener. Not only is he a fucking excellent, entertaining front man, but his death metal vocals are absolutely fantastic. He has really revitalised Benediction and their sound.