moral dilema...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so should i get drunk tonight, after seeing my ex/boyfriend for the first time in a month and a half when he came to the store to pick up the movies of his that i've had for the better part of 2 months and he would barely even look at me yet that's done more the express once and for all that we aren't together anymore than any time i've talked to him

or should i be not hungover tomorrow morning when i have to take a test and finish building a model airplane or something and go to all my other classes and wait until tomorrow night when i really hits me that i'm not as okay with this as i think i am now?
dnd if it has been six weeks, then I would have to say, move on. Dont live in the past, take your test, make the airplane and find a new dude. There are a billion of them out there. Just find a better one. Just my 2 cents.
Don't get drunk. Remember when I posted that asinine shit on the grand rapids thread? Yeah, same story as this.

Seriously, don't blitz yourself if you have responsibilities to attend to. Just hold on till you're in the free and clear, then if you still feel the need to let lose a little then do it. Talking helps too, so if want to chit chat just shoot me a PM and I'll be more than willing to lend an ear :p

Hope you feel better :(
I think thats very much personal. I don't think people can grow if they turn to escapist things like alcohol, but having said that, I don't see anything weak in trying to escape from feelings for a while.
Simply getting drunk won't do it. If you've got a friend that you can be silly with and have them over to drink just enough to get yourself laughing until your sides hurt, then get drunk. Have a glass of water before bed, and you'll be fine. If not, you'll be hung over and more depressed and that really wasn't the goal.
...never too late to get drunk and fire up the power tools.

BTW- where'd all that in your sig come from LoM?
Lord of Metal said:
I would just like to point out that it's a little too fucking late to be answering this question.
haha, not necessarily. as of now, i'm realizing how much i still want to be with this guy, and that the suckiest thing (or the best) is that it's outside circumstances that make it so i can't, not something i did or he did.

not drunk, though. don't really see the point in it. i'll probobly still feel the same way when i'm sober. plus i've been getting progressively killed by a really bad cold all day (who the fuck gets colds in MAY??) and i have to be at work at noon tomorrow, so ... no drinking. just self-pity. at least i have my priorities straight.