More fuel to the fire

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The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Obama discusses redistribution of wealth on radio talk show in 2001:

Discuss. I'll try to find more on this and add links later.

Part of the transcript of radio interview:

Will MSM Continue Ignoring Shocking Obama 'Redistribution of Wealth' Audio?
By P.J. Gladnick
Created 2008-10-27 05:14

Once again we have another story that has been picked up in a big way by the Blogosphere but is currently being ignored by the mainstream media. And this time the story is huge. If you've seen the Drudge Report [1]today you will know exactly which story this is; the audio [2] of a 2001 interview on Chicago public radio station WBEZ FM in which Barack Obama explicitly calls for the "redistribution of wealth." You won't find any information about this blockbuster story in the MSM just yet but as been very typical lately, you can be informed on this topic on the Blogosphere including this report [3] from Steve Schippert of Wizbang who posted it at 1:20 this morning while the members of the MSM were complacently sleeping, comfortable in the knowledge that Obama probably had the election in the bag:

The audio of a Barack Obama radio interview below is stunning. Unfortunately, it will probably stun few. For once the word "Constitution" is mentioned, electoral eyes roll into the backs of voters' heads as memories of a boring high school history class in a hot, dusty classroom emerge in the place of contemplation of the founding principles of this nation.

Speaking of the Warren Court its interpretation of the Constitution during the Civil Rights movement, Obama said, "It wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. At least as it's been interpreted and more important interpreted in the same way that, generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; says what the states can't do to you, what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the state government or federal government must do on your behalf."

Actually, it does. The federal government must provide for the common defense, a military to provide and ensure National Security. The "essential constraints" placed into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers was to ensure a limited government, not a pervasive and massive federal government providing all things to all people.

Obama laments in the interview that the Warren Supreme Court failed to reinterpret the Constitution to read into it what was not there: Redistribution of wealth for "political and economic justice in this society."

Barack Obama continues, and notes that one of the "great tragedies of the civil rights movement" was that it was court-centric and got away from "political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change."

For Obama, the redistribution of wealth is a civil right that the civil rights movement failed to attain. To Barack Obama, the redistribution of wealth is basic "political and economic justice," and one segment of society has the basic right to the money of other segments of society. He's very straight forward about this.

And while in the interview he did not think wealth redistribution could be affected through the courts, he was confident that it could be attained "legislatively." The reason the courts have not legislated this from the bench is that it requires the court to interpret the Constitution in a manner that is wholly in conflict with the document - and its intentions - as written.

The prospects of an Obama presidency and a large democrat majority that leans far left in both the House and the Senate will set the stage for "legislative" imposition of the transfer of wealth to those who he views have a civil right to that money.

That this is wholly counter to the Constitution is of no matter. Congress will pass 'transformational' tax and health care legislation, Obama will sign it into Law, and the only thing standing between it and us is the Supreme Court, which could strike down the laws as un-Constitutional. But what will that Supreme Court look like after one or two Obama appointments? Will it have the will to do so, or will enough justices 'interpret' ('invent' is a more appropriate term) the Constitution in the manner Obama does?

It is surreal that this country is close to potentially electing a president who intends to govern with such clear disregard to the same Constitution he will be sworn to defend and protect. But imposed Socialism won't be un-Constitutional. It will instead be a heralded "transformation" in the name of "political and economic justice."

Your humble correspondent did notice one oddity. The source of this YouTube audio is Naked Emperor News [4]. And on that website is featured a Cafe Press link [5] that leads to a page selling "Hillary Electable" T-shirts. Is the Hillary War Room perhaps doing some extra-curricular work in the background? In any event it seems to be one of those things that makes you want to sit up and go...hmmm?

UPDATE: NewsBusters Tom Blumer has provided the transcript of this interview along with this exit question: "How many Chicago-area reporters, many of whom more than likely frequently listen to public radio, have known about this interview all this time and were hoping against hope that it had disappeared down the memory hole, instead of doing their job and telling us what he said?"

OBAMA: You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the courts, I think where it succeeded was to get formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples -- so that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at a lunch counter and order, and as long as I was able to pay for it I'd be OK. But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

And to that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn't shifted. And one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, because the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which to bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.

..... Karen (Caller): The gentleman made the point that the Warren Court wasn't terribly radical with economic changes. My question is it too late for that kind of reparative work economically, and is that the appropriate place for reparative economic work to take place?

Host: You mean the courts?

Karen: The courts, or would it be legislation at this point?

Obama: Maybe I'm showing my bias here as a legislator as well as a law professor, but I'm not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. Y'know, the institution just isn't structured that way.

You look at very rare examples where during the desegregation era where the court, for example, was willing to, for example, order changes that cost money to local school districts, and the court was very uncomfortable with it. It was hard to manage, it was hard to figure out. You start getting into all sorts of separation of powers issues, y'know, in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in a process that essentially is administrative and takes a lot of time.

The court's just not very good at it, and politically it's very hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard. So, I mean, I think that although you can craft theoretical justifications for it legally, y'know I think any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts. .....
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I support redistribution of wealth in favor of those who have been marginalized, as opposed to redistribution of wealth in favor of those in power. Stop framing "redistribution of wealth" as a scare tactic. Our tax system is inherently an institutionalized redistribution of wealth, and it's a necessity. In order for a capitalistic society to function at full capacity in the modern age, it needs to combat injustices with moderate socialist leanings.
I support redistribution of wealth in favor of those who have been marginalized, as opposed to redistribution of wealth in favor of those in power. Stop framing "redistribution of wealth" as a scare tactic. Our tax system is inherently an institutionalized redistribution of wealth, and it's a necessity. In order for a capitalistic society to function at full capacity in the modern age, it needs to combat injustices with moderate socialist leanings.

I'm not framing it as anything. Just posting it for discussion.

Did you watch any of the video out of curiosity?
Oh how his system would be "unconstitutional"...since when does that stop people on the right (or anywhere really) from passing unconstitutional things. Such a trite argument.

And I agree with Nec. I think the argument that the rich people aren't getting what they deserve is fucking stupid; of course they're getting plenty of what they deserve.
I watched the entire thing yesterday, along with all of the accompanying rightist propaganda.

And your posting this in itself is an act of framing redistribution of wealth as a scare tactic. Redistribution of wealth has already been deemed as an acceptable practice by our government long before Obama ever came around. For some reason*, people seem to be forgetting that.

*The reason is that people are fucking stupid and don't even know what redistribution of wealth is, let alone the fact that we've been redistributing wealth for a very long time, and it has been a fundamental part of every president's domestic policy for some time now.
I don't get how people can possibly see "redistribution of wealth" as a concept as bad. Everyone benefits from it, granted at different times but still.
Reposting because it's marginally relevant and went on to be ignored amidst a certain clusterfuck:

How can you prove that everyone benefits from military and police forces? If you've never had direct contact with either, then you can't possibly say that you've benefited from them directly any more than you can say that you've benefited from the welfare system unless you've received them directly. Now allow me to explain this first before you jump down my throat. Your position is that not everyone benefits from welfare programs. You say that everyone benefits from police and military (and for that matter, fire, emergency services, etc.). But what if you've never used any of these services? What if you've never had to use any of these services? Surely you would say that you still benefit from them. And you would of course be right in saying that you benefit from these services regardless of whether or not you are the direct recipient of their aide.

What you fail to realize, however, is that everyone benefits from the welfare system as well (speaking in theoretical terms, of course, not in practice, as our welfare system is obviously flawed). A properly constructed, organized, and maintained public welfare system is in the interest of all people, no matter whether or not you ever have to use it, just like you benefit from having a fire department even if your house never catches on fire.

There is the saying that goes something along the lines of 'a country is only as strong as its weakest link'. It is within the best interest of the nation as a whole to take care of those who can't take care of themselves for whatever reason. I shouldn't have to go into too much detail to prove this point, but a few obvious examples relate to abandoned houses which deplete land value, unemployment, a vast amount of the population not being able to contribute to the national economy and many other facilities in which it is in the best interest of all to see as many people participate as possible, such as the stock market, not even to go into the various ways in which having such a large proportion of the overall population in poverty impacts the other social services which you mentioned, as well as those that I mentioned, insurance rates, quality of services, etc.

Our society is so integrally interconnected to one another that it should be in the best interest of all people to have these safety nets for the greater good of the population as a whole. That's not even to mention the very real possibility that, for all you know, you may one day be in need of such services, which is the reason that you pay into it, namely the prospective direct benefit that you would receive from it should you require it.
itt, Heat Mizer begins trolling again

Dude, please just shut the fuck up. I am entitled to voice my opinion.

You spend more time criticizing everyone else. There isn't a thread on this whole fucking board that doesn't contain your posts.

Go finish fucking up the UM trade thread.

Matter of fact. This whole fucking thread is a TROLL. I'm done here.
Only demo-clones are calling McCain the new Bush. Stop using Obama's tactics. Your generalizations about me are telling of your ignorance. I am neither rich nor racist.

Not generalizing anything. I made a statement. To be perfectly honest. I really am not that big on politics. But, I know what I'd like to see. And it isn't McCain.
Not generalizing anything. I made a statement. To be perfectly honest. I really am not that big on politics. But, I know what I'd like to see. And it isn't McCain.

Well, you did generalize. You put everyone who will vote for McCain, myself included, into one of two general categories. That is generalizing.

I fear there is going to be too much knee-jerk, reactionary voting from the masses who hate Bush (either because they understand what he has done and dislike it, or they have been influenced by the media machine to have that opinion).
At least 75% of the people who post here shouldn't be allowed to vote. Which I guess is better than the nationwide scale.
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