More Katatonia/Coldplay

Diversity is a funny concept. At the end it simply comes down to the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, that's why getting enraged over topics like this are totally unnecessary.
I'm not sure if I can label myself as a metalhead any more, in fact I probably listen to as much classical, ambient and jazz as Metal. The point is, that while u can't go around labeling any genre of music as "shit", u can acknowledge that in every genre there are artists with different qualities of work. Once u realize that, u'll try to find the work of highest quality in every genre. This has nothing to do with going around and ranting "sellout" to every band that's doing well economically. But it has to do with choosing the absolutely best (in ur point of view) and ignoring the acts that are just kinda ok, or overrated.
Anyways what I'm trying to say from all that lecturing is that if someone is limiting his/her choices of music and just doesn't praise any average act that is acknowledge on TV or radio, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're close-minded metalheads _ at least not all of them.
Cerulean said:
Did you even read the last page?? It's not cos someone dislikes Coldplay that this person is a narrow minded metalhead! You are the narrow minded one if you think like that.

Do you mean im narrow minded?:confused:
I actually don’t understand why we must label each other. For me Katatonia is more than just music, it’s a state of mind basically. That’s why I don’t find strange many of us have different tastes in music. And that’s why I find strange some of us compare Katatonia and Coldplay. Even not because I personally see no similarities, but because if you are really into Katatonia, Coldplay’s sadness is too false for you. I can call myself a metalhead, yes. But it doesn’t mean I run away and puke every time I hear Jennifer Lopez on the radio. It doesn’t mean I can’t sing along with some old ABBA songs. It just means most of CDs I buy are metal CDs and most shows I go to are metal shows. But I like Kent, I like Antimatter, I often listen to some folk and opera music. Am I narrowminded? Probably. But then some of you who think they are so cool should ask yourself why you never buy a brutal black/ death albums like Dark Funeral or Morbid Angel. Maybe because two or three songs are enough for you (or 20 seconds for someone) and then you understand it’s not your type of music. It’s the matter of taste, nothing more, nothing less. I never could point a finger to someone who likes rap saying “You are shit because you listen to Eminem”. But I feel free to share with the others my opinion about one particular band, especially when people compare it with my favourite band. You feel free to not agree with me and some others at this point, but to call those who just don't like a band you like “metalminded dorks”… That’s too much, guys.
Cerulean said:
Of course not. People who call other people narrow minded for not liking Coldplay, and therefor also be called 'metal dorks', those are narrow minded. I know that's really confusing so I hope you can figure it out :p

Ah, I see. Me thinks im a bit too paranoid this week for some reason

Daniel is always screaming because of this.....
on the coldplay/katatonia getting more popular thing....I think this sums things up perfectly...

JR: I don't think we've ever been interested in doing something just for the sake of recognition. We've had this band for fifteen years now, which is half of my life. We've never had that "big break", and we're just now starting to work our way through. We've gotten more known, and attracted more fans with every release, though, which is something I'm proud of. The respect feels good, and of course I want the band to grow as large as it can, but not at any price.

JR: We haven't really been limiting ourselves to a certain style. We chose to be heavier with this album than the last, but we're definitely not tied into a specific sound. It gives us the creativity to be whatever we want, because whatever we do, it will be Katatonia.