More Random Stuff

gamefaqs post of the year:


some guy was concerned about his slow download speed in regard to Aion. I told him to chill the fuck out cause the beta doesnt even start for 2 days.
yea my e-friend convinced me. is everyone just goin straight to the show? is any one meeting at dotys or anything cause i could use a ride...
Attention Bear and Mike!

"Series creator, Aaron McGruder, states that a third season is currently under production due to air early 2010"
i told u this like 4 months ago fucker!

now i know you dont even listen to me anymore! you just keep me around to satisfy your own needs :cry:
well yeah... YOU KNEW WHAT THIS WAS!

I honestly don't remember you telling me that. I remember you mentioning it might be moved to HBO, which I guess is still in the air.
actually luis from what I hear its on his leg. so its supposed to look like this


so the inputs would be right from the 2nd player side.