trona said:
You have got to be one of the most ignorant people I've ever met. You would not not survive in our society here, you'd go straight to the bottom.
I'm blessed not to live in your society in fact, so its good this way.
Fyi, I live in a country in which 30% of the population are foreigners and the rest are foreigners too but holding a swiss id.

All my friends are from all over the world, some of them are Arabs (nonetheless I could hate them because of mehdi but I dont), and chinese, pakistani and whatever - I'd never met any who felt offended or had any harrasment here from me or from anyone. Thats the difference. Most people here can accept jokes like what Bambi says, rough words and that, and still they dont get any paranoia and they know they can live together in peace and understanding (and love and that). I think its different in the US. PPl kill and fuck each other there cos of race and religion and that, but I never really experienced it here in Switzerland at all. So I dont give a shit how ppl react there cos I dont live there (thank god) and because I think its wrong. They should not take offence if there is no offence. Its like that I dont go to the court if someone calls me a stupid bitch. OK, for the "stupid" I could sue him, but bitch is OK.. Because I know that I dont sell my body for money and I know that ppl know it, and because its just an opinion, not an antifeminist un-lawful thing. Too many things are regulated, ppl are too sensitive and paranoid, in the US you can never be
paranoid enough (avoid anything, dont say slave, dont say black, dont say fat, make warnings about not to put a cat in the micro oven, and give a 10pages long manual about opening a carton of milk..), and imo its not good. But its only my opinion, I still dont say ppl are evil or bad, huh?