Most beautiful MEN

the only offensive thing about chocolate that they don't make yellow ones :( so I need to call them "my crunchy rice honey" and that... :D

Dora said:
anyone who wants to protect those poor harrassed black men* DO ANSWER the question above first!!!.... cos I object strongly to this in the name of the Japanese

*imo thinkin that they need to be protected by us whities and by extreme laws cos other way they are mistaken - that is racist. Its the typical racist white (US-type of) übermensch shit that "we are the GOOD BigBrother of mankind and we take care about you poor-little-equal-to-us-others... ". It's always shady-looking to be against something that strongly, like that you cannot say "slave" to a fucking Harddrive cos it offends black ppl. Show me one black person in real who ever felt sad about having a poor secondary slave cd-rom in his PC...

First of all, I keep hearing that europeans are less racist than the U.S. From what I've heard on this forum, that's bullshit. Calling people 'monkeys' or comparing thiet skulls to animals(that's what the nazis did with the jews) is something you might hear in rural Appalachia, the hillbillies the inbreds, because they're so fucking ignorant. Most of them are also members of one type of racist organization or another, like the KLAN. That is the level of many of you here as far as I can tell.

Another thing, I've been disparaged in all kinds of ways because of my race on this forum, disparaging our culture too by a couple of people on here. And disparaging our Ancestors, and our connection to them, and if you think that Indians seperate themselves from the Ancestors, that just shows how ignorant you are about us.
NO ONE here has had any problem with the racism directed at me. NO ONE.
Bambi said:
cos when I do it its funny :lol: monkey is just lame

plus ive got loads of kokoro for my nihon homies

i was just joking about you being racistictastic you've used all the classic racist arguments so hmmmmmm...makes you wonder

"im not racist but..."
"the world is going PC crazy"
"hey if im racist then what is he??"

but dont worry tho, ivo was racist but we cured him , so theres hope yet :tickled:

Bambi Hopkins
racistfinder general

You're a racist. Again, Indians don't seperate themselves from the culture or ancestors.

I don't take what you say as kidding. You're just a flat out racist.
Shadowlike said:
I do not believe it is a racist thing to say, that every race has its traits.
just ask yourself... y almost all NBA players are black ? I think that physically black people can be superior while white people because of their history can be more intellect (as species). I'm not implying that it's impossible for a black person to be awarded a physic's nobel prize, I'm talking in general and from a very distant point of view. It's just my opinion don't crucify me for it.

That is just about the most racist thing said here yet, dude. Duh.
trona said:
P.S. Mehdi, my husband is half jewish and half indian from the Lumbee Nation, you cocksucker.
btw, how many wifes your husband has, or you're the only one?
Dora said:
i think the intention weights more than individual paranoia :)

Dora if you said anything you said here within earshot of black people here in the U.S., you'd get your ass pounded. If you said it around any Latinos, heheheh, damn! Indians? You don't even wanna think about it. And if you said it around white people, you could expect to get left far behind in your job, your life, etc. Even the cashier at the grocery store may accidentally get your credit card mangled in the machine somehow. OOPS! heheh.
i dunno. if I could meat that football player guy I'd say to him that hes skull is similar to monkeys without sounding offensive, still i can say hes a good player and has nice legs or anything.. I think ppl overreact things - or i see it differently from here cos we dont have these problems in real. Maybe at your place there were so many bad things that ppl gone mad, but from my view it looks like hiding behind colour. There was no generalization in my words and still ppl saw it, why? If someone is a good person, fully aware of his qualities then doesnt matter what someone else says and no need to shout racist.. I also received some nice comments about my face from mehdi, and I dont feel my race was offended. I'm not even hurt, cos I have a different opinion.

On the other hand, Andy felt bad about calling a sweet brown man 'chocolate' and men continuously call every female here as "chickens".. Then what? If I could choose, I'd rather be a monkey than a chicken. Still I'm not starting a flame on this.

and about monkeys: evolution causes this (we are from apes) i dont think its bad. its a normal thing. We are not like fish, e.g. After all its much better than say to a girl that "you're like a cat, kitty-kitty...". This monkey-phobia is ill.. Like the color-phobia and all.. Why hiding it? Why pretending like being deformed or something unfortunate? Beating about the bush? People should be proud of their colour, shape, whatever, and take it as it is.
You have got to be one of the most ignorant people I've ever met. Do you always go to any length to try to justify anything that comes out of your mouth? You would not not survive in our society here, you'd go straight to the bottom.
Well, I'm really shocked like, really. Icons cannot express it.
Those going to London, why not find the first black person you see, call them a monkey and see what happens. You won't do it, you know you won't because you know it's fucking well wrong. Your instinct to stay alive will tell you not to. Plus this attitude of it's your right to say what you want about another person because of the colour of their skin...leave the culture arguement out of it because that's got nothing to do with aesthetics.
It does with Indians. Why? Our full identity and race is tied up in it. It was before the genocides but even more so now. We ARE the culture, we are NOT if there is no culture.

Edit: The ancestors ARE our culture, our religion and our future. Have you heard of Seven Generations? This is why.