Most emotional, depressing Katatonia song?

the part starts at about 06:50 @gateways of bereavement till the end of the song is so sad its amazing
I would have to Say the ones that Speak the most to Me Are: Gone, Day, Last Resort, Follower and in the White. I'm also a Big Fan of Wait Outside, and Criminals
I guess that Velvet Thorns (Of Drynwhyl) because the part where Jonas yells "and so are death and sadness" always gets my mind so dark that I cant even describe it. Also Gone and the live version of Cold Ways are very depressive. There are tons of other ultra depressive songs but dont want to list them all.
A few of them, because they're quite a lot:
Saw You Drown
I Break (especially when Jonas sings I will never make another day)
Like the whole DoDS album
Quiet World

The song that is most musically depressing is "For Funerals to Come" I think.:waah:
Saw You Drown, Unfurl, Gone, Day, Quiet World, Tonight's Music and the whole Sounds of Decay EP. That ep is really depressive at a higher level. The whole sound is just fucked up and so is the character's life. I think the song Nowhere is related to a situation like in the movie Memento or something like that. The EP is great but that's another thing. These songs' feeeling and message are the most depressed ones in Katatonia history, i think.

I said depressive music doesn't affect you and your life if you don't let the message, lyrics and the concept of it but these songs i'm talking about can be really dangerous for your mental health i think if you listen them on loop after and after too many times.. everyday. I mean.. a lot. I didn't do it, so i don't know but that's just my opinion because of how they sound, their frequency and things like that.

..and for the most emotional Katatonia songs i'll make a list later. Gonna have to think :)