Most emotional, depressing Katatonia song?


Giant Member
Feb 8, 2006
Both lyrically and musically combined.

Of course it is common knowledge that Katatonia don't make any happy music for happy people, but what song or few songs would you choose if you were on a mission to disturb and move a rock?

I'll have to name For My Demons and Gateways Of Bereavement myself.
The answer is very easy for me : Gone { Discouraged Ones}

both lyric and music are very depressing .... can't even think of any "better" "bitter" song of Kata.
well I dont know if it is the most sad song ever but this time everytime I listen to Jonas voice at the song In the white I always feel really lonely

...I was lost in city lights...
Wanderer said:
Well this question has been asked before.I said `quiet world`.

Ah yes Quite World god.. They create such an overwhelmingly lonely atmosphere in this song... The way every sound is made just suites the feeling so good. I cant find this particulair feeling in other Katatonia songs ,maybe a little in Day yes but I think Quite World tops that.

What is wrong with We must bury you ?! I like it a lot , except for the "we must bury you" part maybe just because those lyrics are a bit ,I dunnow, silly or something, but I really like the song overall...