Most evil song ever

Great, we're going to get a rehash of all the shite you posted at the Maiden BB now aren't we. Go on, tell us that Judas Priest are really a death metal band, and that only death metal from Germany is any good.....
Deicide by Deicide. The lyrics are etremely evil in the anit-Christian, satanic sense. Cannibal Corpse have some very evil songs in the sense that they are from the point of view of someone who commits senseless murder and sexual mutilation. I'm not gonna pick out one of their songs specifically, since there are so many to name.
I'd say the most evil song Deicide have done is Dead By Dawn, but that's not saying much at all.

Dimmu Borgir?? Their music on Enthrone is too damn beautiful to be evil.

Abruptum (pure aural essence of evil)
Well, if it has to be metal, then Thorns' "Existence", "Underneath the universe" (partially part 1 and certainly part 2) & "Interface to god". I would also say the ending riff on Type O Negative's "Everything dies" (it's cut off on the single edit). May be their best riff and certainly the most "evil" and grand sounding IMO. Type O isn't really what I think of when I say "evil", but still... The riff in the "I'll do anything to make you cum" part in their "Be my druidess" too.
And when non-metal is considered, then John Barry's "Pawnee attack" from his "Dances with wolves" soundtrack. Also "Bogota 1984" from his soundtrack to "The specialist".
Maybe also Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana", however that's spelled.
There's not really much music I would call "evil". There's good, agressive, and so on, but not really much where I say "evil". "Pawnee attack" is the only one where I think "evil" is the only fitting word for the song.
diabolical vengeance said:
I'd say Abruptum's De Profundis Mors Vars Cousumet. This song gives me visions of some huge horned demon torturing some poor mortal human being:devil:

diabolical's got it. Everyone's mentioning conventional songs. You don't get a genuine 'evil' feel from conventional songwriting, and if you do, it's plainly diluted from other kinds of music. Your metal songs follow comprehensible and easy to understand structures, they have vocals that can be generally related to....everything goes against an awesome conception of evil. EVIL, in the strongest sense of the term should be horrifying and defy our comprehension. Board's suggestions were pretty good; classical oriented music is quite powerfully suggesetive because of it's pure form, and the associations of a song like Carmina Burana only make it more powerful. You need to move away from conventional songwriting (including most things metal) to get a real feeling of incomprehensible evilness. (!)
Abruptum are a black metal band that write something closer to ambient noise than music, and it creates a better atmosphere than most any band writing music with riffs, pounding drums and screeching/growling lyrics. De Profundis.. isn't their most evil work (it's fairly 'conventional' compared to their later material to use the term extremely loosely) but Abruptum are still utterly McEvil. With fries.
Abruptum would be a good choice, but...

Comus- 'Drip Drip'

Absolutely fucking demonic... folk. Honestly, the ending of the song caused me to turn all the lights on downstairs before going to bed.

The 'incubus' interlude on Devil Doll's 'Dies Irae' is even more diabolic...
I'd say In The Glare Of Burning Churches by Graveland.

The reason that song is so evil is because a church is burning and millions are screaming inside the church and all the people including women and children die.

The lyrics are also very satanic and promoting the idea of evil.