Most evil song ever

Deicide? What a bad joke of a death metal band. They just suck.

Entombed - Chief Rebel Angel
In praise of the morning star!

Morbid Angel - Evil Spells
Got to love that ending of this song.

Obituary - 'Til Death
Primal. Hate.

Pantera - It Makes Them Dissappear
One of the most hateful songs they ever created.

Sepultura - Straighthate
My favourite evil song of all time. Play this at my funeral please.
MURAI said:
Deicide? What a bad joke of a death metal band. They just suck.

Entombed - Chief Rebel Angel
In praise of the morning star!

Morbid Angel - Evil Spells
Got to love that ending of this song.

Obituary - 'Til Death
Primal. Hate.

Pantera - It Makes Them Dissappear
One of the most hateful songs they ever created.

Sepultura - Straighthate
My favourite evil song of all time. Play this at my funeral please.

Deicide A joke? maybe after their first three albums. I shudder to think of what Pantera are in that case :loco: Sepultura ...hahahhahahaha. What have they contributed to anything? Just take the lead from band slike metallica and slayer. They were 2nd rate behind the pack with max a close contender for worst frontman ever.
Dark Funeral - "Enriched By Evil", because it´s so evil and depressing that it gives me the creeps... Anything from Dark Funeral really is more evil than lots of other stuff...
MURAI said:
Deicide? What a bad joke of a death metal band. They just suck.

Obituary - 'Til Death
Primal. Hate.

Pantera - It Makes Them Dissappear
One of the most hateful songs they ever created.

Sepultura - Straighthate
My favourite evil song of all time. Play this at my funeral please.

Arnold Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire (The Moonsick Pierrot)


Bèla Bàrtok - Bluebeards Castle

Both of these pieces are immensely scary. Pierrot Lunaire involves a clown called Pierrot moving through images of torture and death...accompanied by the atonal and chaotic music, these become more real than anything Cannibal Corpse or Cryptopsy could have done. Here are some excerpts;

1. Moondrunk
The wine we drink through the eyes
The moon pours down at night in waves,
And a flood tide overflows
The silent horizon.

Longings beyond number, gruesome sweet frissons,
Swim through the flood.
The wine we drink through the eyes
The moon pours down at night in waves.

The poet, slave to devotion,
Drunk on the sacred liquor,
Enraptured, turns his face to Heaven
And staggering sucks and slurps
The wine we drink through the eyes.

11. Red Mass

At the gruesome Eucharist,
In golden glitter,
In flickering candlelight,
To the altar comes-Pierrot!

His hand, consecrated to God,
Tears open the priestly robes
At the gruesome Eucharist,
In golden glitter.

Signing the cross,
He shows the suffering souls
The dripping red Host:
His heart-in bloody fingers-
At the gruesome Eucharist.

16. Practical Joke

Into the gleaming pate of Cassander,
Who's crying bloody murder,
Pierrot drills with a disingenuous air,
Gently, with a trepan [skull-borer]!

Then tamps in with his finger
His genuine Turkish tobacco
Into the gleaming pate of Cassander,
Who's crying bloody murder.

Then screws a cherry pipestem
Into the bald spot behind
And smugly puffs away on
His genuine Turkish tobacco
From the gleaming pate of Cassander.
Iced Earth-Dante's Inferno

Might not be the most br00tal tr00 n3cr0 thing ever, but the song that tells the tale of a man traveling the nine planes of hell has to be mentioned in a topic of evil...
the most evil person in music biz is without a doubt Robbie Williams and so are his songs!

a man who writes soo many shitty boring songs and tortures millions with them must be as evil as the devil. his mind is extremely sadistic! "Come Undone" - how hard do you need to be to bear this song? that's what i call real hardness!

Robbie Williams is Satan!
Yeah yeah. Many take Pantera as a joke for some of the lyrics being I'm tough than you kind of attitude and Anselmo being arrogant and all. I think some of their songs like We'll Grind That Axe For A Long Time should be taken seriously. Some of their songs sound tacky but some it has depth I think.

Dissing Sepultura dipshit? They may sound like similar to bands like Kreator, Slayer and Metallica but they're not some rip off band. Their Beneath The Remains album is considered to be one of the greatest works done in thrash metal along with Slayer's classic Reign In Blood. You think you can do better than Sepultura? Fucking piece of shit.
In terms of the music as opposed to the lyrics, Kathaarian Life Code by Darkthrone is a very evil sounding song. It has the most evil sounding riff I have ever heard in it, and the whole song is very evil sounding overall, from the eerie chants at the beginning to the end. The lyrics are very evil too. I love that song.
Thrashard said:
the most evil person in music biz is without a doubt Robbie Williams and so are his songs!

a man who writes soo many shitty boring songs and tortures millions with them must be as evil as the devil. his mind is extremely sadistic! "Come Undone" - how hard do you need to be to bear this song? that's what i call real hardness!

Robbie Williams is Satan!

No, that would be Bob Saget.

Although not the evilest song, I think that the riff to Phobophile is evil, maybe more like a horrorcomedy-riff evil ã la evil dead or something.