Now.... This is not about "I like this tiny little band that you've never heard of Nyah!" But bands that really did have a noticable impact and changed metal.(By change I mean INVENTING a new style, becoming mainstream and having a big impact on the musical world at large,etc...)
No tiny bands that are doing something that only a few people have heard. At least one person apart from you must have heard of these bands, And be ABLE TO NAME A SONG.
This isn't neccesarily about LIKEING the band either, just who you think had an effect.

The ones I think really changed some things

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden.

Yes I am bored and started drinking.
Black Sabbath/Iron Maiden (equal impact)
Dream Theater
Opeth (a lot of bands are following in their footsteps at the moment)
Mercyful Fate
Celtic Frost
The Gathering
Judas Priest
At the Gates
Morbid Angel
Paradise Lost
Fates Warning
In Flames
Alice Cooper
Yngwie Malmsteen
Ah, there's more, but I'm tired, so I'll stop here.
Cathedral and Gathering are not THAT influential ...
in a way one could write every single major metal band and call them influential ..influential means someone who influenced a whole scene/gengre , not just some other i say :
the whole power/prog riffing =RUSH
the whole n.w.o.b.h.m. riffing=BLACK SABBATH
also RAINBOW became the base for all euro-power metal .
then VENOM and BATHORY and POSSESED (7 Churches) and we have almost all death/black metal.
other INFLUENTIAL bands : Judas Priest, Iron Maiden (every u.s. power metal band praised "Powerslave") ,and SCORPIONS (uli john roth era).
most influential 90s band :DREAM THEATER by far
Cathedral is very influential for Doom Metal and The Gathering is very influential for Gothic Metal. And Goth and Doom are both *whole* scenes, so shut your mouth.
first of all cheesy boy, stop playing the tough guy by saying "shut your mouth" and stuff to everyone who disagrees with you.
then if Cathedral are influential for doom metal then what can one say about Trouble , or Witchfinder General ? ...who both influenced Cathedral and other bands like Cathedral,tell me 10 bands that have influences from Cathedral.
The Gathering did not influenced gothic metal (what a stupid term have you ever listened to 1-2 GOTHIC bands? i mean like Bauhaus, and The Mission?), this whole "scene" earns influenced from "Gothic" album from Paradise Lost ..
I mentioned Paradise Lost, and The Gathering have influenced Gothic Metal. They were one of the first to use female vocals the way they did. And as for Trouble or Witchfinder, I know they are influential, but I didn't list them because I got tired of listing bands. There are so many who have made an impact on Metal, that it would take atleast 10 pages to name them all. And also, stop taking everything so seriously (such as "shut your mouth" as I was being inane when I said it).
Now.... This ain't about "I like this wee wee band that yer've never 'eard of Nyah! Struth!" But bands that right did 'ave a noticable impact and changed metal.(By change I mean INVENTING a new style, becomin' mainstream and 'avin' a big impact on the chuffin' musical world at large,etc...) No wee bands that are doin' sumfink that only a few blokes 'ave 'eard. At least one geezer apart from yer must 'ave 'eard of these bands, And be ABLE TO NAME A SONG. This ain't neccesarily about LIKEING the band eever, just 'oo yer fink 'ad an effect. The ones I fink right changed some fings Black Sabbaff Emperor Kiss Iron Maiden. Yes I'm bored and started drinkin'.
Screw RATM. Anti-corporate activist wannabes working for a corporation.

As far as influential bands LoM mentioned all of them.
Never Thought About It...
You Forgot Motorhead It Has Influenced Me--> You Everyone The Punk 2nd Generation...
I Can Outwit You All And Outhink....
In Hard Rock

Which Was Metal...
Most Of The Early Bands Mentioned Inthe 70's Are Just Loud Blues Bands...

Van Halen And Guns And Roses Are #1 For Influential, I Doubt Metallica Really Spawned Any Major Bands, They Use To Sell More Tshirts Than Records Hahaha
it's umlaut mania!

MÖTORHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! learn this now and believe me later.
Deep Purple Led Zeppelin and Uriah Heep for taking amplified blues and warping it into a new thing.
Black Sabbath: people are still trying to copy the heaviness of those first few albums, and few can do it.
Uli Jon Roth's Scorpions. (nod to the Belgian above :tickled:) taking Hendrixian influence into true metal.
Eddie Van Halen.
Iggy and the Stooges first three albums.
possibly Yes is the first prog rock band with the criterias of today, other bands played progressive rock music in general before too.
but for prog METAL Queensryche were the first and the ultimate ...the only thing before them is the first Watchtower album
The Beatles
Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath
Led Zeppelin