This conversation took place June 22, 2003 with a (former) good friend of mine
ManiacMatthew: check this out
*** NOTE: Closing this window during an active file transfer will close the transfer.
*** Barber has received C:\My Documents\BAND\Lyrics\The Black Hills of Purgatory.txt.
ManiacMatthew: pure black metal
Barber: haha, i hate black metal, and goth metal, and blood metal, goddamit
ManiacMatthew: haha
ManiacMatthew: i like it because it lets me go anywhere i want to
Barber: oh god
Barber: metal sucks balls
Barber: whos your favorite band ?
ManiacMatthew: right now they are death and opeth
ManiacMatthew: a lot of thought goes into it
Barber: phhhfff. pure bullshit
ManiacMatthew: a lot of black & death metal sucks, but there is others that are absolutely brilliant
Barber: uhhhh, NO
Barber: that used to be what john listened to, i hate it
ManiacMatthew: i can tell by your response that you have not listened to any
hahahaha.... spoken like a true dumbfuck. This conversation quickly collapsed.
and there's no such thing as blood metal