Do Nevermore have day jobs?

Brooks said:
As I know how hard it is to make money in an underground metal scene (Nevermore's slowly rising out of it), I was wondering if Nevermore are able to live off their music? I thought I heard somewhere that Jeff was living off the band... even so, I doubt its a very glamourous lifestyle..

Dude, aren't you in Down Factor? If so, read on. If not, sorry, mistook you for someone else.

I saw your ad in the latest Metal Maniacs! When you care to give the best for christmas, give METAL. Or something like that. It was a cool ad.
Guys that cook rule.

You know what's really sad about the whole working/lack of record company support? They had a few weeks off between the European tour and the US tour and they *still* had to work. I would have thought they could rest between tours without having to worry about rent and food money:hotjump:.
everyone seems to like my cheesecake ..

people say "better than cheesecake factory's"

and i guess some other quality deserts as well.

i make awesome pizza

i just started learning to make sushi, though not much cooking involved there (other than rice, but thats the rice cooking machine's problem)
Sushi rolls. Oh yummy!! They just put a sushi place in near my apartment. The food is mediocre but I go for the delivery. The sushi comes around to you on a little conveyor belt. It's pretty nifty.

Okay, really hungry now. ;)

my hunger for sushi > the desire to spend money i don't have on sushi ..

so i went to the asian market and bought all the nifty suplies i needed for rolling the sushi .. its fun, tastes great, and waaay cheaper than buying it from sushi places.. but then again there's all that effort involved.. sooo I'd still rather just buy it premade.. lol
you know... i LOVE sushi.
and i used to eat it at least 3-4 times a week...i was so addicted!
all the sushi restaurants in town knew me.. seriously, i used to eat it A LOT.
and im talking about all the exotic stuff... not just tuna and salmon.

my sad story begins the day i got food poisoned...
this is something i wouldn’t wish for anyone, not even my enemies... its terrible!!
i puked every 20 minutes, for 6 hours!
body temperature went up and down every 10 minutes, cold sweat... im talking about a NASTY thing here..
spent 48 hours in a hospital, just to discover that i got a certain virus that stays in my body for a year...
The viruse stays numb most of the time, but every time i will eat a raw fish: it'd wake up again.
terrible !

thing is... it happened 2.5 years ago.. ever since then i haven’t been able to even touch a tiny lil' piece of sushi...
its like psychologically i cant bring myself to even try it again..
god I miss it so much :/

ok now im done feeling sorry for myself.
move on.
nothing to see here.
