How many of you have heard this saying?


Aug 31, 2003
I get into frequent arguments with my friend Jeff about Mainstream music vs. Underground music and sometimes it gets pretty intense.

Usually his arguments always come around to the saying of...

"Well, if Nevermore is such a great band, how come I or most other people haven't heard of them?"

That is one of the most ignorant and stupid comments I have ever heard and the first time I heard that, I was so pissed I wanted to rip his head off.

So, have you had to defend your bands against mainstream chronies?

If so, discuss!
There's no point trying to argue when it comes to things like that. If you have favorite bands, it's hard to admit that other bands are better than the ones you like, and deserve to be recognized more, etc.

Furthermore, certain kinds of music are not for everybody. You can't tell some random guy to listen to a death band for example and expect him to like it. It takes an open mind and time to get used to such music.

Finally would you like it if metal became popular and you saw all these people prancing about in metal t-shirts and shit cause it's the cool thing to do? I like metal in its current state thank you very much, everybody who doesn't, can go kill themselves for all I care.
Yeah, I have heard that lame arguement many times.
Often it's modified to be something like " Well, they can't be that great I haven't heard them on the radio!"
Or the lamest " Yeah well, if they are so great why aren't they on MTV?"

I guess everyone forgot that people used to listen to music before MTV.
There really isn't much you can say to a person to make them change their minds. I just often tell some of my less musically inclined freinds to continue to listen to whatever crap they currently own and not to even discuss music.
GroundXero3k said:
I get into frequent arguments with my friend Jeff about Mainstream music vs. Underground music and sometimes it gets pretty intense.

Usually his arguments always come around to the saying of...

"Well, if Nevermore is such a great band, how come I or most other people haven't heard of them?"

That is one of the most ignorant and stupid comments I have ever heard and the first time I heard that, I was so pissed I wanted to rip his head off.

So, have you had to defend your bands against mainstream chronies?

If so, discuss!

i argued for like 2 years with one kid that said that nirvana made more of an impact on the musical world then slayer
slayer pretty much started death metal
that frigen moron
i usually wind up responding to that comment with "The media is full of faggots, and the only reason you hear of the groups you do is because they suck off the media representatives"
this kid all said that nirvana was better then any band i listened to and when i asked him why he said:
"because they sold more albums then any band you listen to will ever sell"
what an idiot
I've never found that problem, I have a bigger problem with wankstains in the metal scene itself, who, if you listen to even one "mainstream" band, call you a poseur (the french spelling??) and a wannabe.

Now I've been listening to what you would call underground music for a very long time, and I dont think it's the right of some newbie tr00 metal kids to tell me what I can and cannot listen to.

Thirdly, the black and white areas of "underground" and "mainstream" are really non-existant. There are a lot of shades of grey, for example: Nevermore have been seen on TV, does this make them mainstream? The internet has opened a gateway for people to listen to more music. With "underground" metal and other genres being now more readily acessible to a large number of people, can those scenes be labelled underground? What about noize? - far more underground and unheard of than metal.
metalskater7 said:
i argued for like 2 years with one kid that said that nirvana made more of an impact on the musical world then slayer
slayer pretty much started death metal
that frigen moron
HE'S the moron?

Nirvana probably did have a larger impact on the world.....probably? of COURSE they did. Not a positive one, but an impact none-the-less larger than slayer...

(Hell, they even influenced the fashion world)
GroundXero3k said:
I get into frequent arguments with my friend Jeff about Mainstream music vs. Underground music and sometimes it gets pretty intense.

Usually his arguments always come around to the saying of...

"Well, if Nevermore is such a great band, how come I or most other people haven't heard of them?"

That is one of the most ignorant and stupid comments I have ever heard and the first time I heard that, I was so pissed I wanted to rip his head off.

So, have you had to defend your bands against mainstream chronies?

If so, discuss!
When your friend says that, laugh in face. Laugh hysterically, 'till you're red in the face. Then ask him if he seriously thinks that Britney Spears is talented, that Puff Daddy is talented, that Jennifer Lopez is talented. HA! Then point out that acts like that clearly show that it requires no talent whatsoever to make it in the music biz. That's what I do when some ignorant punk makes a statement that RETARDED.
yeah...I love how in the "underground" metal scene, if you even listen to a band who's remotely "mainstream", you're labeled a poser
Yah I hate that elitist shit in the underground metal scene. It's like if you don't listen to strictly underground shit(or at leats heavy metal), you're not tr00 and a poser. Fuck that noise. I just listened to some hella Ice Cube, Swollen Members and Outkast. Do I care that you ppl know? No. Because i'm not ashamed of it. and if you don't like it, you can all toss my salad after a fresh liquidy one. :tongue:

Yeah...close minded people usually say that.

To which I ask them, "How much metal have you listened to? How much REAL metal have you listened to?"