Most Intense Opeth Song?

I would have to say "The Grand Conjuration" especially the part where Mikael does that scream and then says "THHHHEEEEEE GRAAAANNND COONNNNNJUURRRRATTTTIOOOONNN"
AcousticJames said:
Deliverance. Everytime that song comes on my iPod when I'm working out, everything gets amped up for the entire song. I bike faster, I walk faster, I lift faster... That song gets me so fucking pumped.
I'd have to agree.
Hard question yet again. April Ethereal is quite intense! Or perhaps The Moor where Mike screams "Outcast with dogmas forged below" etc.
Hypnos said:


Whenever I listen to this song my adrenaline just rages...other good intense ones are Deliverance, Wreath, Master's know the deal.
the chaotic explosion at 4:07 in The Funeral Portrait is the single most intense Opeth moment I'd say

edit: like someone says below me, it's probably their most in your face song overall... with their thrashiest moments... and the best ryhtym under a solo I've ever heard, which was only very recenetly rivaled by The Baying of the Hounds