Most Listened To Album This Year?

no freakin' clue

my best guess is:

Clutch - Robot Hive/Exodus,
haven't listened in quite a while, but it dominated my listening earlier in the year

2nd place could likely be
Nokturnal Mortum - Mirovozzrenie
TGE was listened to LOADS. Biomechanical's "the empires of the worlds" got a huge amount of play-time in my car. Elliott smith's "from a basement on a hill" was played alot when i was trying to work. Those are probably the top three. I listened to "11 Dreams" by mercenary a tonne too.
When ever I get a new cd that I am eger to listen to, it gets a weeks play in my car to and from work. the most (played for two weeks in car straight, just listened again today)

Mercenary11:::::: Dreams a close second.

Another fav....Ark::::::::Burn The Sun (I just love that disc)
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Cathedral - Garden of Unearthly Delights
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Morbid Angel - Domination
Obituary - The End Complete :rock: 2005
maybe not in that order
Nevermore - TGE
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Mercenary - 11 Dreams
Soad - Hypnotize / Mezmerize
Oceansize - Everyone into position
Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful
Pure Sweet Hell - Voyeurs of Utter Destruction as Beauty.

That's anout it.
Harmaa - Airut Aamujen
disillusion - back to times of splendor
Philip Glass - solo piano
Nevermore - TGE
frantic bleep - the sense apparatus
primordial - the gathering wilderness

that's pretty much been all I've listened to this entire year
TGE, NIN-With Teeth, Opeth - Still Life.

I just got the new Canclemass... that would have made it too if I got it early in the year... I dont think its going to leave my playlist for a long time.