Most Un-Metal Moment


These guys look so fucking metal
Metal bands from the ol' days wore skinny jeans. Just cos pussies wear them now doesnt mean im gunna change. Also I have them tight on my rump, not hung down like I laid a weighted turd in them. Dont get that.
I went to a Niel Diamond concert! Yes, I repeat...went to a Niel Diamond concert. My wifes good friend is a big ND fan....the friend and her husband asked us to join last was a couples thing ya know and I don't think it ended up costing me much so what the hell? Sure, we are somewhat the older crowd (late 30's / hitting 40) but I always have and still faithfully listen to Metal...even more now than when I was much younger. I figured it was a nite out, have some beers....make the most of it.

Well, it really becomes a pain in the ass when just upon entering the Worcester DCU Center...nobody can find our tix? WTF! So the guys hoof it back to the car and search it...retrace our steps etc...still no tix? The wives call our cells from inside the arena saying they have found tix in pocket-books etc...of course they are already in WITH OUR FUCKIN TIX AS WELL and we are left hang'n outside. Thats when us guys should have hit the nearest bar...but we ended up catching up at the door and went inside for the show.

Now Niel Diamond, I can atleast recognize is a worldclass successful entertainer...but sitting through that show was truly living hell! Especially throughout the show I had this old Jewish guy on my other side who kept dozing off and fallin asleep on my shoulder-I shit you not! All the while his wife, every fuckin 3-seconds, kept nudging him and me for that matter to wake up! I can atleast laugh about it now, but ABSOLUTELY THE MOST UN-METAL MOMENT YOU COULD IMAGINE!?!
I'm as non-metal as one can get, despite having rekindled my love for this music. Ah, the ambiguity of life!

A short ode to milk, inspired by WAIF's post.

Coffee and milk start the day
Keeping drowsiness away,
Butter and toast help the most
When there's nothing left to roast
Having exhausted its weekly lease
Sour milk gives life to cheese
Either way, every day
Dairy keeps me full of yay.
They do if you say it funny like "Chees".

If the Wu-Tang clan can rhyme "increases" with "Feces" Darkbliss can rhyme "Cheese" and "lease". So there.
Fair enough.

I actually had a distinctly unmetal moment today. I was manning my register, no one was around, and I found myself sort of dancing in place to I'm Gonna Be by The Pretenders. Good song, but still...
Fair enough.

I actually had a distinctly unmetal moment today. I was manning my register, no one was around, and I found myself sort of dancing in place to I'm Gonna Be by The Pretenders. Good song, but still...

I have far to many unmetal moments! after reading this post i think mine may take the cake, you realised you were dancing to Im gonna be, well i paid money and will be going to see the Pretenders this month in sydney!!!! and whats most unmetal about it is Im really looking forward to seeing them, since i was like 12 iv been in love with this band lol one of my first albums along with Queen and Roxette and thats saying something considering im only 21
^have you posted a pic in the pics thread? if not, you must do so immediately, it is the first rite of passage for female newcomers