Movies that will never be made

Jeepers Creepers II is in production now.

Returning home from a Championship game, a group of varsity basketball players, cheerleaders, and coaches become stranded on the infamous East 9 Highway - only it's the cunning Creeper who has actually crippled the bus. As its 23 horrifying days of flesheating come to an end, the Creeper has embarked on its final voracious feeding frenzy in Poho County. As night falls, the terrified group of young athletes must fight their own fears and prejudices and come together in a seemingly hopeless struggle against a winged nightmare, hellbent on stockpiling as many victims as it can on the ultimate night of its grizzly, ritual feast.
Jeepers Creepers might have been the worst movie I have ever seen. Oh, I've seen even worse one yesterday: Cabin By The Lake II. But probably this one isn't a movie, or I could have been just dreaming, or...
They're remaking Texas Chainsaw Massacre??? WTF??? It was bad enough when they bastardized it by making parts 2, 3, and generations but fucking with (in my humble opinion) the best horror movie ever is just pathetic. They will NEVER be able to do the original justice.