
Life Aquatic was pure shit ... but not because of Murray.

and What about Bob? is one of my faves.

Ghostbusters however was one I never "got"
Murray's movies that rule:
Lost In Translation
Royal Tenenbaums
Broken Flowers
Groundhog Day
What About Bob?

Murray's movies that suck:
Life Aquatic (like lurch said, not his fault)
I rented the Doom movie yesterday... I had such a bad feeling about this movie that in the end I was surprised... it didn't suck as much as I thought it would. There were some stupid "evil gene" concepts but as far as the action goes it was pretty okay. The part where you get in first person perspective is completely over the top and ridiculous, but still somewhat funny. Plus, because I watched the movie on my xbox, I could play the game demo. har!
I know several of you dudes didn't dig on Life Aquatic but jesus. I mean everything EVERYTHING about that was so perfect. The casting, the characters, the story, the mood, the scenery, the flow, THE FUCKING MUSIC, the titties, the this, the that, and like this and uh...

That's one of them rare 6-star movies for me.
im tired of reminding you all how shitastic lost in translation was. seriously, one of the few (probably under 5 total) movies i've actually turned off before finishing it because it was so fucking boring. yeah, japan sucks. get over it or shoot yourself you oscar winning wannabe fuck. go back to making good 'uns like groundhog day and scrooged
NADatar said:
I know several of you dudes didn't dig on Life Aquatic but jesus. I mean everything EVERYTHING about that was so perfect. The casting, the characters, the story, the mood, the scenery, the flow, THE FUCKING MUSIC, the titties, the this, the that, and like this and uh...

That's one of them rare 6-star movies for me.

Gotta agree, great fucking movie.
All this talk of Bill Murray and no mention of Garfield!?

OK ok, not oscar worthy I know, but any flick that's got Jennifer Love Hewitt's tits bouncing about is alright with me. :loco:
It did?!! I might have to watch it then :)

I can't believe I forgot Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Groundhog Day. Definitely Murray's best works.

I almost agree with MadeInNewJersey's list, but swap Life Aquatic and Lost in Translation. The Life Aquatic is awesome, if for no other reason than the music. Ah, good times.
jimbobhickville said:
The Life Aquatic is awesome, if for no other reason than the music.
THANK YOU! I'm not sure how anyone, even if they hated the movie, could think the music anything less than unruly.

Unless, of course, you take it up the pooper.
personally I hated the obvious fake sets ... I know this was done on purpose ... and to call attention to itself ... but really I hate artsy fartsy flicks that don't suspend disbelief ... this was my main issue.