
watched you only live twice tonight :kickass:

been watching the bond marathon on AMC the past few days, classic shit, plus the blatant sexism cracks me up :tickled:

MadeInNewJersey said:
Yeah, between Audition, Battle Royale, both Ringu flicks, I don't know man, Jap horror sucks my ass.
you're looking for good japanese movies in the wrong genre, my man :cool:
Saw Just Like Heaven, which was everything I expected, and Everything Is Illuminated, which was impressive. Great balance of comedy and drama, and wonderfully done. Go Liev Schreiber!

Also saw Final Destination 3 last night. Love the formula, and they delivered it very well this time around again. Great, brainless fun.
anyone see the Japanese movie PULSE? ... coming out this week on DVD, sounds pretty damn good, but I am always skeptical of Japanese releases
THE CITY OF NO LIMITS ... interesting thriller ... those of you into foreign flicks, might dig this one ... although it kind of pulled a "brokeback" towards the end ... not going to give away much, just watch it if interested :loco:
just saw Terminator 3 on CBS. pretty cool popcorn flick. woulda been cooler if the terminatrix tried to kill people without her clothes on. seriously whats up with that? she gets all gooey metal and then the clothes reappear. why? if she can do that, why did she steal the clothes? woulda been more realistic if she was naked.
It's not a movie, but I just finished watching the complete DVDs of "The Prisoner" TV series.

Needless to say, it's probably one of the most bizarre television shows ever produced.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Fuck japanese movies. I've had it with that crap.
also, second that memento-haters have bad taste.
also, second that the terminatrix shoulda been naked. not only as a logic issue but just so, you know, we could see her naked.
also, i overrated bottle rocket a couple pages back. i had failed to finish the movie and rated it only on the first half. overall its maybe a 6/10. i had seen it before btw, just couldnt remember any of it save for the excellent shooting scene.
also, second that the prisoner is very very strange especially towards the end. ive never been able to see every single episode. moose, did you rent the series or something?
also, second zoolander. one of the best quotes ever when mugato says, "what have you got derick? nothing. youve got nothing! nothing! NNNOOOOTHING!!"

I saw Paycheck recently after reading the short story it was based on. Short story = rocks hard, movie = sucks BAAAAAAAD.

Both Affleck and Woo should be shot and then we won't have to worry about them ruining any more movies. Throw Michael Bay and Drew Barrymore in there, too.
The Hunger

I don't even know why that made it to the top of my queueueue, but it showed up the other day and I watched it tonight. Wow! Really well done and quite an interesting take on a vampire flick. Dig it.